@matkoniecz We’re very aware of these issues, and you’re not the only one having them:
- NixOS website from a non-developer's perspective · Issue #828 · NixOS/nixos-homepage · GitHub
- Provide an overview + comparison of what nixos, nix, nixpkgs, etc are · Issue #734 · NixOS/nixos-homepage · GitHub
- Usability study session #8
Thanks for your feedback! More data points will help those involved prioritise what to work on: @bjth @lucperkins @garbas
@NobbZ, thanks for the inline clarification. We indeed discussed the question how to better present Nix, Nixpkgs, and NixOS as distinct but intertwined software projects: project domain name · Issue #34 · NixOS/foundation · GitHub
The reason it has not happened yet is simply lack of time. Redesigning the website to be what it is now already took a significant effort, which began in 2020. Also there are some seemingly trivial but intricate unaddressed prerequisites, such as deciding which domain names to use for what, since ownership is distributed across multiple people.
Nix is a community project, and everyone follows their own interests and priorities. There are only a handful of people getting paid by different companies to work on the various parts of the Nix ecosystem. No one can make anyone do something, and the process of gathering consensus and commitment to act on it is naturally slow.
Personally I’d love the group of people who are more focused on NixOS to maintain a separate website, ideally under nixos.org, and I’m sure it will have strong community support, but so far no one has stepped up to create one.