Latest intellij Idea Ultimate


In Nixos packages intellij ultimate is older and a new version of intellij idea(2024.1) is released, how can I get it in my nixos pc? I am using flakes and installed it using system packages. Please help.

Thank you.

IDEA has just been updated in Nixpkgs. It should be available with the next unstable-channel update.


Great, thank you. But is there a way to get the latest version when the version is old in Nixos packages?

In general you can override the src attribute in the existing package to (locally) create a package of the updated version. For the Jetbrains products: These have slightly more elaborate structure and are usually updated in bulk.
The easiest way would be to check out the Nixpkgs repo, run the Jetbrains updater script and use the local repo for rebuilding. If things work fine, you can contribute back by opening a PR with the update.


You can use two flake inputs: nixpkgs (referring to stable) and nixpkgs-unstable (referring to nixos-unstable).

In your NixOS config, you can then consume clion, intellij and whatnot from nixpkgs-unstable as I did here while the general system still comes from the stable nixpkgs version: nixos-configs/common/modules/user-env/programs/gui/default.nix at dd99692257603ea20e2df9ee3ebd1411791a0c99 · phip1611/nixos-configs · GitHub

You could also use jetbrains-toolbox !

correct, but for some reason, apps installed through toolbox are not runnig/starting.

Going to test that right now.

It worked immediately here…