Leaving the Moderation Team

At the end of the year my membership in the Moderation Team is ending.

The normal wear and tear of the role has been taking its toll, and I want to refocus on the more technical aspects of the project. There is no single event that made me to want to leave, but rather the general commitment to deal with everything that comes up in a reasonable timeline. I think my availability and responsiveness were fine until the end. Now I choose to leave before that would eventually worsen.

I’m thankful for having been extended the chance to fulfil this role.

I’ll see all of you around, albeit with other hats. :cowboy_hat_face:


Thanks for playing the role of the bouncer for so long @hexa.


thanks a lot for your work. Especially your time has seen some of the biggest upheavals and changes in the community. It was an honor sharing the moderation work with you and thank you for onboarding me into that team :slight_smile: