`libeditline` dependency causes installation from source to fail


I am trying to install Nix from source following these directions: Building Nix from Source - Nix Reference Manual
Version 2.3.15, 2.3.16, or 2.4 will suffice.

I have installed these versions of editline from here: GitHub - troglobit/editline: A small replacement for GNU readline() for UNIX

  • 1.17.1
  • master

./configure says libeditline is too old:

configure: error: Nix requires libeditline;
it was not found via pkg-config, but via its header, but required functions do not work.
 Maybe it is too old? >= 1.14 is required.

Furthermore, the version of editline provided by MacPorts Install libedit on macOS with MacPorts
is not found at all:

configure: error: Nix requires libeditline;
 it was found neither via pkg-config nor its normal header.

Which version of editline or libedit should I install?

Thank you

Which version of editline or libedit should I install?

In Nixpkgs we use troglobit editline. It looks like you might have found a bug in Nix’s build system. Have you checked open issues for it? If there isn’t one, I think you should open one.

Are you setting CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include and LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib in your environment before running configure? Most things won’t check the MacPorts prefix by default, so one needs to point them to it.

same issue on ubuntu, even installing apt-src and apt build-dep of the os nix package.
what are the reqs to build git latest on ubuntu?