Librewolf panel missing

Has anyone ran into this issue where librewolf panel is not there?
The system is a clean installation of NixOS with plasma DE, and no other settings changed.

I don’t have it either. Maybe it was removed upstream?

Is the version you are using on NixOS the same as the version of the instance where you have the panel?

Curious indeed. I don’t think it has been removed upstream.


[~]$ librewolf --version
LibreWolf Firefox 122.0-2

=> Panel visible

[~]$ nix-shell -p librewolf --run "librewolf --version"
LibreWolf LibreWolf 122.0

=> Panel absent

I suspect it has something to do with nix managing the settings, there are a few configuration files, and librewolf not wanting to display the page if they can’t be modified.

I have also tested it in a virtual machine and got the same result. how would nix manage the settings?

It’s just a guess after a quick look at the source pointed by nixos search.

Any specific reason you’re looking for that tab? Librewolf can be configured via home-manager, see the home-manager programs.librewolf.settings attribute here and the librewolf official doc about it: Settings and librewolf.overrides.cfg – LibreWolf