Linux/arch install issues

When running some operation including reinstalling I get, even after reinstalling and reopening terminal:

error: cannot connect to daemon at '/nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket': No such file or directory
/tmp/nix-binary-tarball-unpack.aACTFtz3Cc/unpack/nix-2.2.1-x86_64-linux/install: unable to register valid paths

Tried running /etc/profile.d/ to get this error: Warning: Could not find '/etc/profile.d/', starting '/bin/bash' instead. Please check your profile settings.

When running installer dependant on nix I get this:

./ line 21: /bin/ghc: No such file or directory
warning: Nix search path entry '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixpkgs' does not exist, ignoring
warning: Nix search path entry '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels' does not exist, ignoring
warning: Nix search path entry '/home/jk/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs' does not exist, ignoring
error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at /home/jk/dev/leksah/default.nix:3:16

Initially I tried installing through AUR after having tried official .sh to discover that I it doesn’t support my distro and linked towards some compilation steps that ask to run ./configuration after cloning nix but isn’t actually there.