Linux x86 .run file


how to install a Orange VDI client which supplies a .run file for installation?

Try to use steam-run. something like this:

steam-run ./

It is starting the script
but then fails because missing directories

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/log/hdplog’: No such file or directory
tee: /var/log/hdplog/install.log: No such file or directory
[2020-12-05 21:54:04] --------------------------------------------
tee: /var/log/hdplog/install.log: No such file or directory
[2020-12-05 21:54:04] AccessClient installing begins...
tee: /var/log/hdplog/install.log: No such file or directory
[2020-12-05 21:54:04] -------------------------------------------- line 86: 91 Killed ./HDPUpgradingUI "${image_filename}" (wd: /tmp/HDPTempFiles/UpgradingUI)

there are errors like
[2020-12-05 22:08:10] load failed
even I added xorg.libXau to the mkshell

steam-run will run the application in it’s own namespace, so it’s likely not able to see packages declared through shell.nix

thanks for the fast reply

there are still the same errors like failed
even via home-manager speexdsp got installed

Installing the libs via configuration and or home-manager results without any changes in errors

Or do I have to add those libs to steam-run-native (like as overlay)?