Lix evaluates my rust crane package instantly, nix>2.24 takes 2+ mins

Not sure where this regression occurred but its making my development process pretty painful…

With Lix 2.91.1
time nix build ../mycrate#my-crate-bin

real	0m0.336s
user	0m0.039s
sys	0m0.057s

With nix 2.24.12, 2.25
time nix build ../mycrate#my-crate-bin

real	0m56.727s
user	0m2.692s
sys	0m0.575s

It looks as if the evaluation fails to cache with plain nix, while lix figures it out. Using Cargo2nix fixes my build, but I would prefer to not port my setup for that…


Hey thanks for flagging this! I think we actually noticed and fixed this back in November: Git fetcher: Calculate a fingerprint for dirty workdirs by edolstra · Pull Request #11992 · NixOS/nix · GitHub. Do you mind trying 2.26?

Great work to the determinate system team! :tada: