Managing users with sysusers.d

I was reading this article on Phoronix about Fedora 32 switching to sysusers.d, and I was wondering how NixOS handles users currently. The declarative way and idempotent implementation of sysusers.d sounded a lot like some of the guaranties we have in NixOS currently when we put users on immutability.

After making some research, I found out that it’s mainly a perl script that handles this logic on NixOS side.

I was wondering if sysusers.d could achieve the same result as the perl script ? I have the feeling that it could work, but I’m not sure since I do not deeply understand NixOS yet :slight_smile:.

PS : This question sprung out of curiosity as a way to understand more deeply how works NixOS, it is not a suggestion in any kind of way.

Your understanding is correct, especially about idempotency.

Now, the evil resides in details. From what I could see, sysusers.d
creates a group of the same name as the user to be used as the
primary group. In NixOS, we use the users group as default for
all the users.

  I guess there may be other subtle discrepancies like that, that

would make any migration a breaking change.

Maybe investigating this could/should be added under ?

Sysusers.d and our Perl script indeed serve the same purpose. The one just predates the other. If it already existed we would’ve probably used sysusers.d I think.

Given that the perl script is relatively complete I see no reason to actively replace it. One good reason could be if we ever decide to get rid of perl as a NixOS dependency to reduce closure size.

Getting rid of perl is a good goal I think. Plus, I forget which, but one of the few remaining perl scripts in NixOS is the biggest reason NixOS can’t be cross compiled without patches.


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