Marketing Team Meeting Minutes #17, #18, #19

We were a bit silent for last month with our reports here, but meetings and work was going on as usual. For me December is the busiest time and writing minutes was last thing on my mind.

You can find video here: #17, #18 and #19.

And here is the summary what was done and discussed in last 3 meetings:

Peek 2021-01-17 16-28

As you can see we are steadily making progress and discussing item as then come up. Let us know what you think.


This is some amazing progress. Well done!

The Faceted search is AWESOME

I recently found this project: which indexes all versions of packages over all historic releases of nixpkgs. Very handy when you need to find out what pin of nixpkgs contained an obscure version you need for some compliance reason.

Was wondering if there are plans to do cross-channel search like this on too?

I’m not opposed to add this feature if this will not mess up the main purpose of

Main purpose of is to improve discovery of different things in NixOS community. Latest packages, options is a top priority. Before expending the area we first need to champion latest available versions in nixpkgs. The user experience needs to be superb.

I don’t see me adding multiple version of nixpkgs releases anytime soon. But in one of the soon to be opened PRs the cross-channel search is going to be possible. My priority is to add a flake support and import other resources like github issues/prs, documentation.

If somebody would find the time to work on multiple version I would definitely give them all the help/guidance needed.