Marketing team update for July/June 2023

We’re not been a good citizen of keeping you updated what is happening with Marketing team. For this reason we’ll be switching from meeting minutes format to a monthly update of what is in the works at Marketing team.

If you are interesting in spreading the Nix/NixOS word please joins us → Marketing Team | Nix & NixOS


1. Survey

Responsible: @kranzes @Arsleust @ron

  • Survey went out and it was closed.
  • Right now results are being analyzed
  • Results will be announced before the NixCon on discourse.

2. Social media

Responsible: @ida and @pxc

  • @ida and @pxc were making sure to schedule posts on social networks with what new is happening in Nix community. This means following discourse and scheduling posts.
  • They will continue to do this for the August.

3. Newsletter

Responsible: @ida and @garbas

  • First newsletter was published and we’re still working on making the process smooth. Second newsletter is about to be posted.
  • With 2 newsletters out we still need to go “back” and fix few basic things. Plan for August is to:
    • Add subscribe form to the homepage
    • Post newsletters to the website so they can be read also outside of the email client.
    • Redirect (and move archive) from
  • Most important is that we restarted the newsletter even if things are not perfect.

4. Website rework

Responsible: @garbas

  • Progress was slow due to lack of time, but work started.
  • Plan is to have something ready so that multiple people could join the effort by the time NixCon is around.

5. NixCon

Responsible: @garbas

  • We only posted few posts regarding NixCon. There was no marketing strategy to reach out to more people.
  • Maybe this was for the better since tickets were sold out in 2 weeks (good job NixCon team!)
  • Plans for August:
    • Prepare few slides (5min) for state of the union talk
    • Reach out to NixCon team to help out with online presence before, during and after the conference.

?. On pause

Due to summer and people being busy we’ve paused efforts on:

  • What’s new in Nix
  • Tales from NixPkgs