I’ve set up a single NixOS instance running on vultr.com, using the NixOS 18.09 ISO.
What do I have to do to get a minimal nixops deployment working?
I tried creating a trivial logical config:
network.description = "Connote server";
server =
{config, pkgs, nodes, ...}:
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 22 ];
And a trivial physical config:
server =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ deployment.targetHost = "<redacted>"; };
I created the nixops deploy, but when I attempt to run it, I get server> could not connect to root@<redacted>
What do I have to change from the stock ISO to get my first deploy running? I assume I need to do things like add a password for the root user, enable ssh, through the vultr terminal.
This is just a basic personal thing, so not high-security, but I would like to know what basic security hygiene I should apply.