mkYarnPackage: Lockfile has incorrect entry

I’m trying to package marp-cli with yarn2nix: GitHub - marp-team/marp-cli: A CLI interface for Marp and Marpit based converters

However build complains with

error: builder for '/nix/store/9af4bw297961rx7wc8a2yyzap2fqn0wh-marp-team-marp-cli-modules-2.1.4.drv' failed with exit code 1;
       last 10 log lines:
       > warning Lockfile has incorrect entry for "pug-runtime@^2.0.4". Ignoring it.
       > error Couldn't find any versions for "pug" that matches "^2.0.3" in our cache (possible versions are ""). This is usually caused by a missing entry in the lockfile, running Yarn without the --offline flag may help fix this issue.
       > info Visit for documentation about this command.
       > Error: Couldn't find any versions for "pug-runtime" that matches "^2.0.4" in our cache (possible versions are ""). This is usually caused by a missing entry in the lockfile, running Yarn without the --offline flag may help fix this issue.
       >     at MessageError.ExtendableBuiltin (/nix/store/8lajm4glg9v9f7lzpz4r4gm02rqwgnkl-yarn-1.22.18/libexec/yarn/lib/cli.js:721:66)
       >     at new MessageError (/nix/store/8lajm4glg9v9f7lzpz4r4gm02rqwgnkl-yarn-1.22.18/libexec/yarn/lib/cli.js:750:123)
       >     at NpmResolver.<anonymous> (/nix/store/8lajm4glg9v9f7lzpz4r4gm02rqwgnkl-yarn-1.22.18/libexec/yarn/lib/cli.js:50430:15)
       >     at (<anonymous>)
       >     at step (/nix/store/8lajm4glg9v9f7lzpz4r4gm02rqwgnkl-yarn-1.22.18/libexec/yarn/lib/cli.js:310:30)
       >     at /nix/store/8lajm4glg9v9f7lzpz4r4gm02rqwgnkl-yarn-1.22.18/libexec/yarn/lib/cli.js:321:13
       For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/9af4bw297961rx7wc8a2yyzap2fqn0wh-marp-team-marp-cli-modules-2.1.4.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/9lxxd3250h492b4s2lvxcf53ral42mcn-marp-cli.drv' failed to build

I’ll be honest, I’m a bit dumbfounded, any pointer would be appreciated.

My minimal flake to reproduce:

  nixConfig.bash-prompt-prefix = "(nix) ";

  inputs.flake-utils = {
    url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
      let pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
        packages.default = pkgs.mkYarnPackage {
          name = "marp-cli";
          version = "2.1.4";
          src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
            owner = "marp-team";
            repo = "marp-cli";
            rev = "v2.1.4";
            sha256 = "TkjaCiKrorYF8Ml8Xps3xZxcN5ePTpv2Jw1c2Icqtm8=";

I have a similar issue when trying to package the front-end of TandoorRecipes.

       > success Set "yarn-offline-mirror" to "/nix/store/jv24lbh5iw4ryyg9maybb1rxlv2pmmac-offline".
       > Done in 0.07s.
       > yarn install v1.22.19
       > [1/4] Resolving packages...
       > warning Lockfile has incorrect entry for "workbox-webpack-plugin@^6.1.0". Ignoring it.
       > error Couldn't find any versions for "workbox-webpack-plugin" that matches "^6.1.0" in our cache (possible versions are ""). This is usually caused by a missing entry in the lockfile, running Yarn without the --offline flag may help fix this issue.
       > info Visit for documentation about this command.

I’m not familiar enough with the JS ecosystem to really understand why the lockfile is invalid, after a cursory glance it looks fine to me.

Don’t use mkYarnPackage.

{ lib, stdenv, fixup_yarn_lock, callPackage, yarn, nodejs-slim }:

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  pname = "foo";
  version = "1.0.0";

  src = lib.cleanSource ./.;

  yarnOfflineCache = (callPackage ./yarn.nix {}).offline_cache;
  # or fetchYarnDeps

  nativeBuildInputs = [
    fixup_yarn_lock yarn nodejs-slim

  configurePhase = ''
    export HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP
    yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror $yarnOfflineCache
    fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
    yarn install --offline --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts --no-progress --non-interactive
    patchShebangs node_modules/

  buildPhase = ''

  installPhase = ''
    # if the node_modules dir is needed at runtime, move it to $out/libexec here

If you do use mkYarnPackage, you have to set the packageResolutions parameter to the contents of the resolutions field in the package.json.


Aaah, did not know about packageResolutions.

Is there a way to automatically take care of that, through an update script or some fromJSON nixery?

EDIT: seems like having packageResolutions = (lib.importJSON ./tandoor-recipes-package.json).resolutions; is not enough. And I can’t find any documentation about this field :upside_down_face:.

yeah, I am hitting this with olaris-react in fetchYarnDeps: couldn't find any versions but yarn install works · Issue #203708 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub and your flx @yureka, did not improve anything

See mkYarnPackage: fix uncopied resolutions field by GuillaumeDesforges · Pull Request #214952 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

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