Mobile NixOS [progress thread]

The April update is fresh off the pipeline:



I am currently owning a PinePhone and trying to build custom image for it. I’ve tried several days but no luck. I tried “Reproduce locally” script from Hydra, for ** device.pine64-pinephone-braveheart.x86_64-linux, it works (build ok, device is able to boot to login screen) while device.pine64-pinephone-braveheart.aarch64-linux got build failed with error error: a 'aarch64-linux' with features {} is required to build . The x86_64-linux one works but whenever I tried to add more packages, build got failed. I assume aarch64-linux is the right device to build in order to run on real device, am I right? If so, I am too suprise that the output image from x86_64-linux can boot on real device!

I’ve tried guidelines from and github, no any works. Just wonder if you have any suggestion to help me to get base OS + connectivity up and running.


May 2020 update time:


Sorry, I missed that message.

“Reproduce locally” would mean you need the same inputs, the current system (on which the build is happening) is an input. The .aarch64-linux outputs ran on an aarch64 build machine. As you have observed, the .x86_64-linux output works.

Now, what you have observed is the intended, but non-obvious behaviour. The system that is built using the default unconfigured state is totally unconfigured. It booted to a working stage-2, but had literally nothing configured, no window manager, no DE, no user accounts.

You probably want to follow the Using a pre-built system.img section of the getting started guide, which makes use of a pre-built image of examples/demo.

Alternatively, if you want to try locally, you can do a full build of the new examples/hello system. It is not usable as a final system, but is an example of a fully working build. That built stage-1 though, is not compatible with a default stage-2, if you wanted to mix and match. They are looking for differently labeled root partitions.

And June’s update is out!

If you find that’s not much, it’s more than I remembered. Hopefully by next month what’s been cooking will be ready.


How to install mobile nixos?

Here’s for July for those curious (i’m a curious bystander)

Here is the rendered version: July 2020 round-up — Mobile NixOS

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Is it true that the ports in postmarketOS contain all information to build a kernel?
If yes, would it be possible to automatically port dozens of phones to Mobile NixOS by creating a script to convert postmarktOS ports to a Mobile NixOS expression?

It could be possible to mechanically make ports that way, but doing so without testing each one individually is a bad idea.

At first this was something I wanted to do, and found that it was likely possible. Though after doing my own ports, and looking at the various state of ports at the postmarketOS project, I think it is more important that each port has had human intervention.

I’m not saying their ports are bad. It’s impossible to cast such a large net! They have accumulated so many ports, and some were a one-off and never updated and maintained again later (I am guilty of this too). Some of their ports are excellent, and can serve as a treasure trove of information for porting.

What could be done, and more worthwhile, is to add some level of automation relying on information on different projects, among which postmarketOS in the planned tooling for making ports. Other source of information is LineageOS-like and AOSP-like systems.

I couldn’t accept any kind of port without clearly being sure that the device at least boots to parity with the other devices, and more importantly, that there is a maintainer around for the device. It would be quite rude for a user to see that their device is “supported”, try it, turns out it doesn’t work as expected and they’re being told “tough luck, a robot did that”.


While I have this thread opened. There’s no update for this August, some work has been done, but I got busy with other things. I’ll be bundling the updates with this month’s.


And here’s August and September!


Who would have guessed that a month later, the next progress report would be posted?


And for November:


Last update for 2020:


Whoops, skipped an update here. Here’s the two last updates:


Hi over here! I got my copy of PinePhone hardware some time ago) Now looking forward to try Mobile NixOS on it. After looking through the documentation and even a building of some components from a stable repo revision (u-boot, image, etc) I understood that I have no ideas how to flash the phone:) And more, the process of testing (which is more for me right now) is not clear to me. Could you please provide me with a link to a Blog or something with a step-by-step guide explaining some basic operations? Sorry for noobery:)

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What does it mean when a phone is on the “Devices List”? (I’m seriously thinking about PinePhone.) Does it cover phone functionality? For example in the range of Nokia 6230. Especially call, SMS, contacts, … Any checklist similar to these for Matrix bridges?

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From the link you posted, an entry in the list does not mean anything but that there was at least one phone that was able to boot at least once:

The inclusion in this list does not guarantee the device can boot Mobile NixOS, but only that it did at one point in the past. Though, efforts are made to ensure all of these still work.

And I’m not even sure if nixos mobile has actual phone support right now…

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The project is in very active development and not ready for daily use.
A more detailed support status is planned: Doc: devices support level · Issue #70 · NixOS/mobile-nixos · GitHub

Stay patient or consider to contribute if you can.

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