Mobile NixOS [progress thread]

Would it be possible to publish the resulting images of builds (e.g. latest successful and/or “major releases” :thinking:)? The procedure for acquiring the image does not seem to be as straightforward as the instructions under the Actions button suggest. :woozy_face:

I think you might be able to just use nix build XXX where XXX is the path obtained from “Output store paths” entry in the “Details” view.


You’re right. Impressive. Thanks :+1:

I thought too that prebuilt images would be a good idea, but you probably want to change the config, so it makes more sense to built it yourself. It does not take long.

What is needed tho is better documentation. That will come when the project matures.

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I think brief Mobile NixOS maturity summary would be useful for now. Even newcomers like me would know what to expect and what to look forward to. This form might not take much work. :thinking:

Let me pin here my notes on doing various MobileNixos setup tasks on a Pinephone



try to build Phosh for sdm845 but this fail. ( apr-1.7.0 build fail )

Can somebody help me please ?

See here at the end please:

I’m roughly under the impression that you need a native aarch64 builder to build most stage-2s. (the error message hints that you’re cross-compiling something that doesn’t really want to cross-compile).


the “hello” insted of “phosh” did compile fine and there is a graphical gui as you can see in the top of #512

Right, I think ‘demo’ is the exception. I assume that, one, it’s bespoke and maybe a much smaller closure than that of phosh, and two, that samueldr likely ensured that the demo was cross-compilable.

thank you for the information

A slight correction:

The examples/hello example system is pared down and uses minimal dependencies to ensure it stays cross-compilable.

The examples/demo example system does not.