Mpd doesn't update music database

So i have my configuration.nix as below:

services.mpd = {
    enable = true;
    musicDirectory = "/home/peal/Music";
    extraConfig = ''
      audio_output {
      type "pulse"
      name "My PulseAudio" # this can be whatever you want
    user = "peal";
    network.listenAddress = "any"; # if you want to allow non-localhost connections
    startWhenNeeded = true; # systemd feature: only start MPD service upon connection to its socket

and of course, nix generate a config file for mpd:

cat mpd.conf                                                                       
# This file was automatically generated by NixOS. Edit mpd's configuration
# via NixOS' configuration.nix, as this file will be rewritten upon mpd's
# restart.

music_directory     "/home/peal/Music"
playlist_directory  "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
db_file             "/var/lib/mpd/tag_cache"

state_file          "/var/lib/mpd/state"
sticker_file        "/var/lib/mpd/sticker.sql"

audio_output {
type "pulse"
name "My PulseAudio" # this can be whatever you want

everything looks fine, so it should be reading musics from the Music directory in my home directory
However, as i do ncmpc and ctrl - u to update the database, nothing happened.

My Music dir is just 2 big folder, each store a bunch of album, each album is stored in their own folder. To help visualize it, here’s the example file hierarchy:

└── Music
    ├── category1
    │   ├── album1
    │   │   ├── track1.flac
    │   │   ├── track2.flac
    │   │   ├── track3.flac
    │   │   └── track4.flac
    │   ├── album2
    │   │   ├── track1.flac
    │   │   ├── track2.flac
    │   │   ├── track3.flac
    │   │   └── track4.flac
    │   ├── album3
    │   │   ├── track1.flac
    │   │   ├── track2.flac
    │   │   ├── track3.flac
    │   │   └── track4.flac
    │   └── album4
    │       ├── track1.flac
    │       ├── track2.flac
    │       ├── track3.flac
    │       └── track4.flac
    └── category2
        ├── album1
        │   ├── track1.flac
        │   ├── track2.flac
        │   ├── track3.flac
        │   └── track4.flac
        ├── album2
        │   ├── track1.flac
        │   ├── track2.flac
        │   ├── track3.flac
        │   └── track4.flac
        ├── album3
        │   ├── track1.flac
        │   ├── track2.flac
        │   ├── track3.flac
        │   └── track4.flac
        └── album4
            ├── track1.flac
            ├── track2.flac
            ├── track3.flac
            └── track4.flac

here’s the log from journalctl if that helps:

-- Boot 89d811a3ad934a0fb8ab909681154bbe --
Feb 01 22:16:40 Windows11 systemd[1]: Starting Music Player Daemon...
Feb 01 22:16:40 Windows11 mpd[2274]: zeroconf: No global port, disabling zeroconf
Feb 01 22:16:40 Windows11 systemd[1]: Started Music Player Daemon.
Feb 01 22:48:56 Windows11 systemd[1]: Stopping Music Player Daemon...
Feb 01 22:48:56 Windows11 systemd[1]: mpd.service: Deactivated successfully.
Feb 01 22:48:56 Windows11 systemd[1]: Stopped Music Player Daemon.
Feb 01 22:48:57 Windows11 systemd[1]: Starting Music Player Daemon...
Feb 01 22:48:57 Windows11 mpd[28139]: zeroconf: No global port, disabling zeroconf
Feb 01 22:48:57 Windows11 systemd[1]: Started Music Player Daemon.

oh nvm it’s just that the scan process took too long so i thought it wasn’t working. It all works out now.