Ncmpcpp failing to connect to server

Hi All

I am really struggling with ncmpcpp and mpd. After working perfectly fine initially, ncmpcpp has decided it can no longer connect to the server.

This is my config that I have in home-manager:

services.mpd = {
      enable = true;
      package = pkgs.mpd;
      extraConfig = ''
        user "dobbie"
        bind_to_address ""
        port "6600"
        music_directory "/run/media/dobbie/Music"
        playlist_directory "/home/dobbie/.config/mpd/playlists"
        db_file "/home/dobbie/.config/mpd/mpd.db"
        log_file "/home/dobbie/.config/mpd/mpd.log"
        pid_file "/home/dobbie/.config/mpd/"
        state_file "/home/dobbie/.config/mpd/mpdstate"
        restore_paused "yes"
        max_playlist_length "400000"
        audio_output {
                type            "pipewire"
                name            "PipeWire Sound Server"

        audio_output {
            type                    "fifo"
            name                    "FIFO"
            path                    "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
            format                  "44100:16:2"
        musicDirectory = "/run/media/dobbie/Music";

   programs.ncmpcpp = {
    enable = true;
    package = (pkgs.ncmpcpp.override {visualizerSupport = true;});
    mpdMusicDir = "/run/media/dobbie/Music";
    settings = {
        mpd_host = "";
        mpd_port = "6600";
        alternative_header_first_line_format = "$5{$b%t$/b}$9";
        alternative_header_second_line_format = "$3by $7{$b%a$/b}$9 $3from $7{$b%b$/b}$9 $5{(%y)}";
        song_list_format = "♫   $2%n$(end) $9 $3%a$(end) $(245)-$9 $(246)%t$9 $R{ $5%y$9}$(end)     $(246)%lq$(end)";
        song_columns_list_format ="(3f)[red]{n} (3f)[246]{} (35)[white]{t} (18)[blue]{a} (30)[green]{b} (5f)[yellow]{d} (5f)[red]{y} (7f)[magenta]{l}";
        song_status_format = "$b $8%A $8•$3• $3%t $3•$5• $5%b $5•$2• $2%y $2•$8• %g";
        playlist_display_mode = "columns";
        browser_display_mode = "columns";
        search_engine_display_mode = "columns";
        now_playing_prefix = "$b";
        now_playing_suffix = "$/b";
        browser_playlist_prefix = "$2 ♥ $5 ";
        playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "1";
        message_delay_time = "1";
        progressbar_look = "━━━";
        colors_enabled = "yes";
        empty_tag_color = "red";
        statusbar_color = "blue";
        state_line_color = "black";
        state_flags_color = "default";
        main_window_color = "blue"; 
        header_window_color = "white";
        alternative_ui_separator_color = "black";
        window_border_color = "green";
        active_window_border = "red";
        volume_color = "default";
        progressbar_color = "black";
        progressbar_elapsed_color = "blue";
        statusbar_time_color = "blue";
        player_state_color = "default";
        display_bitrate = "yes";
        autocenter_mode = "yes";
        centered_cursor = "yes";
        titles_visibility = "no";
        enable_window_title = "yes";
        statusbar_visibility = "yes";
        mouse_support = "yes";
        header_visibility = "no";
        display_remaining_time = "no";
        ask_before_clearing_playlists = "yes";
        discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes";
        user_interface = "alternative";
        default_find_mode = "wrapped";
        lyrics_directory = "~/.lyrics";
        follow_now_playing_lyrics = "yes";
        store_lyrics_in_song_dir = "no";
        ignore_leading_the = "yes";
        lines_scrolled = "1";
        mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "no";
        show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = "no";
        startup_screen = "playlist";
        connected_message_on_startup = "no";
        playlist_separate_albums = "no";
        allow_for_physical_item_deletion = "no";
        visualizer_in_stereo = "yes";
        visualizer_data_source = "/tmp/mpd.fifo";
        visualizer_type = "wave_filled";
        visualizer_look = "▉▋";

Music still plays fine via mpc but I can’t see what the issue is with ncmpcpp. Searching has brought little information.

Any advice will be really appreciated.

It appears ncmpcpp is struggling with the length of my playlist. Even though I have the max playlist length set to an acceptable number of tracks to accomodate my playlist, ncmpcpp doesn’t like it.

This issue here is what got me on the right track, so sort of solved for now.