I’m trying to package gsa but I have no experience with nodejs
on NixOS. gsa
includes a binary and a web component, using cmake
to package both. You can tell cmake
to ignore the web component so it will just build the binary by passing “-DSKIP_GSA=ON” as a cmake
flag. I was suggested to use this approach and then manually build the web component myself. I was hoping someone with some nodejs
experience on NixOS might be able to help me. Here is what I have so far: gsa: init at 8.0.0 · aanderse/nixpkgs@3edfc0a · GitHub and here is the cmake
file describing in part how to build the web component: https://github.com/greenbone/gsa/blob/434765b99628b359f12878f9891fb52fa9fd4e04/gsa/CMakeLists.txt.
I would appreciate help anyone could provide.