I having issues getting the TTY font properly configured on my laptop. Specifically, I have the following in my nixos configuration (similar to what is mentioned here).
console = {
earlySetup = true;
packages = with pkgs; [ terminus_font ];
font = "${pkgs.terminus_fonts}/share/consolefonts/ter-u28n.psf.gz";
Rebuilding the configuration seems to work, but it does not seem that the font is changed (even after reboot). No matter which font I set, it remains much too small
For the font attribute in console only the name of the specific font variant is needed, not the path. When the packages are included, it handles the path setup so any of the included variants can be selected by name.
console = {
earlySetup = true;
packages = with pkgs; [ terminus_font ];
font = "ter-u28n";
Consider trying kmscon, which lets you resize the font with Ctrl+Plus/Minus and use regular system fonts instead of terminal fonts. It also supports scrollback with shift+pageup/down, which was removed from the default Linux TTY.
It’s possible I assumed the name format incorrectly, I’m personally using the powerline variants of the terminus fonts. This setup has been working for me for qute some time:
On a different machine I no longer have, I had the non-powerline version working without the path, but i don’t have that history available. But I recal having to dig deeply into this to figure out how it worked.
@ryantm’s suggestion seems pretty pretty interesting, might give that a shot myself.
The patched version, along with its patched dependency (libtsm-patched-gitAUR), includes fixes and improvements (like 24-bit color support) that the canonical version (which has not been updated since 2014) does not.
I appreciate you verifying things on your end. It’s very possible/likely that I am misunderstanding something or have a bug in my configuration. Do you know a way to verify which font is being used on my end (other than visually)?