hi guys is there any way to turn down my mic sensitivity? cuz my mic here kinda bursting i usually use tools like pavu control and easy effect and theres option to turn down the sensitivity but heres nothing
Depending on how your audio is setup, you might be able to just install pavucontrol to your system config.
Check out the pipewire setup: PipeWire - NixOS Wiki
Graphical tools
All protocols (Pulseaudio/JACK) are now talking to the PipeWire protocol and are managed by the PipeWire daemon (therefore, applications can be managed by both Pulseaudio and JACK tools). For that reason, all graphical tools used for these protocols can be used:
- pavucontrol: controls the volume (per-sink and per-app basis), the default outputs/inputs, the different profiles (for HDMI outputs/bluetooth devices), routes each application to a different input/output, etc.
- plasma-pa: a Plasma applet to change volume directly from the systray. Also deals with volume keys.
- qjackctl: with JACK emulation, provides a patchbay (to connect applications together). Note that JACK does not provide any way to change the volume of a single application; use Pulseaudio tools for that purpose.
- carla: with JACK emulation, provides a patchbay (make sure to go to “Patchbay” tab and check “Canvas > Show External”).
- catia/patchage: similar to qjackctl and carla.
- Helvum: GTK-based patchbay for PipeWire (uses the PipeWire protocol). Volume control is planned for later.
For a quick test to see if you can just use pavu by itself, try this
nix-shell -p pavucontrol
once the new shell spawns, execute pavucontrol from that console.
well the screenshot i attach its pavucontrol btw
How do you have your audio config setup through nix then?
Please share the section in your config for audio in particular.
EDIT: please also describe in more detail what the mic is doing/not doing, bursty isnt descriptive enough to draw any conclusions on where the problem might be. Like, is it low and amping up high? High and coming in muffled? Are you using discord? Raw capture?
heres my config
Alright, is this a USB or a laptop mic? What program are you using to test capture?
laptop mic and i use discord to test
I figured out the issue mainly stems from an input signal being too low and the output signal being the one available through the control panel.
I glanced through the pipewire documentation and didnt find any options that would permit adjusting line input/output volumes directly without some sort of plugin so heres what i did to solve this problem.
You’ll need to enable JACK audio, and install the necessary packages with it.
Here are those packages for everything you’ll need to do on the fly audio magic.
Put these in your sys installed packages.
Then you’ll need to enable jack in the pipewire code.
services.pipewire = {
enable = true;
alsa.enable = true;
alsa.support32Bit = true;
pulse.enable = true;
jack.enable = true;
After this, do a system rebuild and you should have available qjackctl.qjackctl is the GUI.
Open it, you’ll see a new program running in your tray. Thats JACK.
After, you’ll want to start one of the plugins we just installed called Gate Stereo
, it should also be available in your ‘Super’ menu, if your on gnome just open the apps section and search there.
Once gate stereo is open and running, open qjackctl and click on the graph button.
In this new window, you will see a number of nodes connected to each other with green cables. Highligh one and control + D to disconnect them, handy hotkey.
Find your microphone capture (not the playback/monitor if there is one), it should also be connected to discord already if you have discord open with the test there.
Disconnect it from discord L and R channels.
Connect your microphone capture to the stereo gate, L > L, R > R inputs, then connect the LR outputs to discord.
Pull the window for Stereo Gate window back up, right side of that window will have 2 knobs for Signal input, and output. Adjust those until you find the desired sound.
NOTE: Stereo Gate is a plugin mainly used to cut low background noise out, so to do this signal processing is kind of overkill but its the simplest UI for the most of the plugins that come with the LSP pack. That said, turn the Curve
thresh knob down to -60 to eliminate the gate function.
Side note: Discord uses the chromium backend, so if you have the client installed, its likely called WEBRTC VoiceEngine
in the JACK graph. That is Discord.
idk man sounds didnt work for me, i usually just drop down the sensitivity on fedora before
Sounds dont work at all?
nah i mean its didnt work, my mic still kinda buzzed
Do you mean clipping? Please look up how that sounds and compare to what you hear.
What exactly do you mean? The digital gain control is right there; highlighted in your screenshot. Just turn that down a little.
want to clarify here’s my record from my mic
Yeah that just sounds horribly broken tbh. This might even be a driver issue?
Is it in the same state by default on other distros?
What exactly do you mean by “turning down the sensitivity” in other distros and why doesn’t it work the same here?
yeah it’s same by default on other distro but i manage it by turning down the sensitivity on pavucontrol(maybe i’m wrong? idk) and at here as u can see there’s no sensitivity bar there
But the slider you pulled does appear to change the gain, no?
How would it work on other distros?
idk man it’s just right there, gonna try to boot on fedora livecd to show u guys
already booted livecd, it’s odd there’s nothing too i forgot where i turn down my mic sensitivity