Networkmanager how to edit strongswan.conf

Hi there!

I am trying to set up the VPN client for my companies IPSEC Ikev2 VPN tunnel.

Recently switched to nixos and I am trying to get my Ubuntu configuration client setup working, where I did the following:

  • Installed network-manager with strongswang
  • Disabled the EAP-PEAP protocol, by adding the following lines to the strongswan.conf file:
charon-nm {
           plugins {
             eap-peap {
               load = no
             eap-md5 {
               load = no
             eap-gtc {
               load = no

I do not find a way to edit the networkmanager strongswan.conf file…
On the strongswan-ctl option there is a way,:

services.strongswan-swanctl.strongswan.extraConfig = ''
charon-nm {
           plugins {
             eap-peap {
               load = no
             eap-md5 {
               load = no
             eap-gtc {
               load = no

How do I achieve this for the network-manager plugin?

There are several issues here.

For one, charon-nm, which is loaded as plugin by NetworkManager, is actually provided by the strongswanNM package. So that’s a different package than the one you configure via services.strongswan-swanctl.strongswan, which uses strongswan, by default (the difference is basically that the latter isn’t compiled with --enable-nm).

The second problem is that even if you changed the package to strongswanNM via service.strongswan-swanctl.strongswan.package, that wouldn’t make a difference. That’s because the strongswan.conf file that’s generated based on extraConfig is passed via STRONGSWAN_CONF environment variable only to the systemd service that strongswan-swanctl installs and that runs charon-systemd. So that won’t have any effect on charon-nm, which is invoked via D-Bus by NetworkManager.

If --sysconfdir is set to /etc when the strongswanNM package was built, you might be able to just create /etc/strongswan.conf manually to change the settings (if not, you might be able to create the file in ${strongswanNM}/etc/). I don’t know NixOS well enough to say for sure.

you can use something like nmapplet to configure it with a gui which is probably the easiest in this case. If you want to have it in your nixos-config, then you can use networking.networkmanager.ensureProfiles (please take a look at the description) and you can use nm2nix to convert existing profiles that you created manually.

Sorry if I’m missing the point but I think you want to setup a strongswan client with network-manager.

Hi thanks for the answers! None of the suggestions helped me so far, I am just not able to tweak the strongswan.conf file, therefore get no VPN connection…