Newbie cloud management question

Hi all!
I have somewhat figured out nix enough to work,
but now i’m planning to dive into a new world of cloud computing

I would love to manage cloud setup with nix, or in a similar declarative way, thought i’ll have to use both nixos and not nixos there.

I’ve heard (and checked) that Terraform does supposedly exactly that, and it seem relatively easy to figure out. Can I do terraform configurations with nix?

What are the options here beside terraform? (maybe something without a non-free license)

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You can use terranix to generate terraform json files from nix code. Terranix does what it’s supposed to do, but adds to the learning curve since most terraform learning materials are about writing hcl code.

According to opentofu docs, it can use the same files and opentofu is licensed under the original MPL license.

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