Nextcloud upgrade to 30 blanked my OnlyOffice documents

I recently updated my Nextcloud to 30 from 29. Everything appeared to work fine after the rebuild but when I went to open a random spreadsheet in OnlyOffice via the Nextcloud frontend it showed as blank. I checked the files on disk and those are also empty. I’m wondering what happened, if I can recover them (I’m guessing not), and how to prevent this in the future? It’s not a big deal as I can recover them via a zfs snapshot - just a pain.

Here is my config:

nextcloud = {
      enable = true;
      hostName = "redacted";

       # Need to manually increment with every major upgrade.
      package = pkgs.nextcloud30;

      # Let NixOS install and configure the database automatically.
      database.createLocally = true;

      # Let NixOS install and configure Redis caching automatically.
      configureRedis = true;
      phpOptions = {
        "opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "16";
      caching = {
        apcu = true;
        redis = true;
        memcached = false;
      extraOptions.enabledPreviewProviders = [
      extraOptions = {
         read_rnd_buffer_size = "4M";
         opcache.memory_consumption = 512;
         opcache.max_accelerated_files = "100000";
      config.trustedProxies = [ "" "" "redacted" ];
      config.extraTrustedDomains = [ "redacted" "" ];
      maxUploadSize = "16G";
      https = true;
      appstoreEnable = true;
      autoUpdateApps.enable = true;
      autoUpdateApps.startAt = "03:00:00";
      extraAppsEnable = true;
      extraApps = with; {
        # List of apps we want to install and are already packaged in
        inherit calendar contacts tasks onlyoffice;

        # Custom app installation example.
        #archive = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp rec {
        #  url =
        #    "";
        #  sha256 = "sha256-D4D8OXlgF0Gv3NRSuq69Quu9jN96Blk0+QwiF1x63U=";

      config = {
        overwriteProtocol = "https";
        defaultPhoneRegion = "US";
        dbtype = "pgsql";
        adminuser = "admin";
        adminpassFile = "/nextcloud/adminpass";

    onlyoffice = {
      enable = true;
      hostname = "redacted";

So I restored my zfs snapshot to a new virtual machine and the files are still blank. This leads me to believe only office wasn’t saving the docs to disk but to memory or a cache directory. Did I misconfigure only office?