I am starting a new online interactive course called “Nix Friday”. The concept is to have a 1:1 session with the subject of your choice, which will simultaneously be streamed online. And it happens every Friday.
If it’s something that interests you, contact me with the subject of your choice and I will try to find a slot to fit you in.
Sure. Bring your own missing package and we can package it together. I don’t have a specific agenda except sharing knowledge so it really depends on what people propose to do.
Noble cause but being a silent spectator in a talk is easier than an intimidating 1:1. I still hope someone is lucky enough to take you up on your offer…
If that helps, you can stay anonymous and not stream your face for the world to see. I just want a live participant to get feedback and make the course more interactive. But I understand it’s stressful, it’s also stressful for me
I would be very curious to know how you use poetry and poetry2nix with Nix for packaging python applications. But I am not ready for being recorded yet
This is a fantastic idea. How long do you expect the session to last? I am very happy to be the person asking the stupid questions - especially if you were to do a session on overlays.
I’m interested as well, there’s lots of things I am gradually finding out and having a guide would be very nice. I’ll send you an email with some thoughts
The last stream was 1h long and went really quickly for me. But I don’t know what I am doing. I want to experiment with different formats. It’s going to depend a lot on the feedback that I get as well.
As long as you learn something when coming on the stream, that’s the important part. There are some subjects that require more than one hour to circle and go into details entirely. So either have a longer session or split it over multiple weeks.
The topic for Friday 15 is going to be about NixOS modules. CaptainCoffee has an existing configuration that we will be looking at and demystifying. Then he has an existing NixOS module that he wants to add to nixpkgs. We will go over the process of adding a new module to nixpkgs and then send a PR.
Since there are so many questions and topics, it seems like a shame to have to wait for so long until the next session. Depending on how much energy I have left after talking with CaptainCoffee, I might do a free-for-all session afterwards.
If you want to participate as a student, send me a topic and a couple of dates (and hours if the default doesn’t work for you) to nix-friday@zimbatm.com .
Just a thought, it was great to watch you review existing PRs. It would also help to have you watch someone (I’ll volunteer for the first round) else review PRs and you can provide pointers/advice in a pair-programming style. This would require a shared conference-call presentation style rather than twitch, but it may be a great way to engage additional reviewers for nixpkgs.
As someone who uses both Nix personally and poetry at work I would like to know more about this, is poetry officially supported by nix? Could you give a link to the project?