Nix installer workgroup

As a nix-installer user, I have been hacking with the DeterminateSystems nix-installer lately. Is there anyway I can join these meetings live? Where I can get the schedule of next meeting?

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They’re every other Wednesday at 10am EDT/EST. I can invite if you dm me an email address.

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Sure, thanks. That would be great!

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Please thank Hoverbear (and everyone else involved at DS) for all the hard work regarding the installer. nix-darwin does not play nice with it but their work is much appreciated!

notes for 2023-10-25
notes for 2023-11-08
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Regarding that and the recent success of the detsys installer, is there a tracking issue for replacing the current installer with a fork of the detsys one? I’ve seen talks about this being done and also heard that there are some changes that have to be incorporated before it can happen, but didn’t find anything on our issue tracker.

There is no tracking issue. The changes can generally be characterized as disabling telemetry and undoing the ~opinionated settings/defaults.

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