Nix meetup Dresden, Germany

Quick reminder about tomorrow. See you there.

For the next meetup, we can meet in the rooms of the café ascii Dresden. :coffee:

Date-wise, the 30. March would work, too. However, the week afterwards might be preferrable, as the semester starts on that Monday and I know a few interested people won’t be back before that date. But as you all prefer. :slight_smile:

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I dont mind delaying 1 week. Lets meet 06.04.2023 18:00 @ascii. @feliix42 pls notify all of those “interested people”. Looking forward to this!

First Thursday in every month is the Plenum for the C3D2, so that’s a bit of a problem.

as @feliix42 is organizing the location, I would leave it up to felix to decide whether we delay another week to 13.04. or stay at 06.04.

Moving by another week is fine by me. I marked it in our internal calendar. 13.04.2023 18:00 it is then. :slight_smile:

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Friendly reminder we are meeting today 18:00 @ascii.


Summary of the last meetup on Thu Apr 13 2023:

  • About 12 people met at the Ascii student cafe of the Technical University Dresden
  • Mix of beginners to professionals with commit bit
  • The experienced Nixers helped the newbros to to improve their NixOS setup
  • Explained Flakes
  • Discussed potential FrOSCon 2023 participation

Next meetup will be 11.05.2023. Location and format to be determined.


We are looking for speakers for the next meetup at 11.05.2023. If you want to give some Nix-related presentation, hit me up.

Next meetup will be 11.05.2023 18:00 in the office of Cyberus Technology, Zwickauer Str. 46, 01069 Dresden.

@astro will be giving a nix themed talk and there will be pizza and drinks afterwards.

Is the date for the upcoming meeting already planned?

We are currently looking at the 29.06. for the next meetup. host will be

we have setup a matrix channel for simplified communication:

I will still keep updating this thread with meeting dates.

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Next meetup will be 29.06. 18:00 in the office of Goto at Theaterstr. 8, Dresden. There will be an exciting tech talk by @Sandro.

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Save the date: 2023-07-28T18:00 ((StuRa) HTW Dresden)


Next meetup 24.08.2023 18:00 @ Impact Hub Bayrische Str. 8, 01069 Dresden

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next meetup will happen at datenspuren NixOS Meetup :: Datenspuren 2023 :: pretalx

2023-09-16, 18:00–19:00, Hackcenter Riesaer Straße 32, 01127 Dresden


next meetup 27.10.2023 19:00 @ c3d2 Zentralwerk Riesaer StraĂźe 32, 01127 Dresden, Sachsen, Germany

@astro will holding a talk about the zentralwerk network

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next meetup is on the 18th Jan 2024 18:00 at Aposto SeestraĂźe 10, 01067 Dresden. Let us know if you plan to attend so we can adjust the booked table.

Funding request is here:

Next meetup will be on 29th Feb 18:00 at Club HängeMathe, Zeunerstr. 1f, 01069 Dresden

Hello m1-s,
did you already anounce another meetup? At what date will it happen?