Nix meetup in Stockholm, Sweden

How did it go?
I was abroad so I couldn’t make it - do you guys plan on meeting again?


Me and @markuskowa met and had a nice discussion about different Nix topics. We are meeting again, tentatively on November 21, a Tuesday this time.


Great, count me in! I guess the details of where and when will be posted here?

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Exactly, this thread is where all discussion happens, it is very informal.

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Could someone please create a meetup at
I hope more people will join in this case, also will be easier to follow new events and announcements about venues and dates.


Very happy to see some Nix fika! See you 21st :slight_smile:

Edit: @igorramazanov also


Probably not as soon as the 21st, but I reckon the consultancy I work for would be happy to host. We’re located some hundred meters from Rådhuset, plenty of office space (USB-C DP docks) and a self-refilling beer fridge.


As a reminder: the next meetup is next Tuesday, November 21st at 19:00,
Nordic Light Hotel, Vasagatan 11, Stockholm.

@igorramazanov Feel free to add the meeting to We posted it here, because that is where the Nix community meets online.


Unfortunately will skip this time due to conflicting meetings, but hope you’ll have an interesting time and looking forward to join in the future!

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I realised I’m hosting a quiz that evening so I’ll have to pass too :frowning:

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so in Nordic Light Hotel, there are some sofas next to a bar in the lobby but closer to the entrance there are also quieter tables, around a kind of corner, that are more “work-oriented”. I think those are a good place to sit, but from there it may be a little hard to get sight of each other. I will try to be there around 18:45.


Enjoying a beer in front of this painting


Oh no! I just found this, a day too late… I’ve been organizing a few quite unofficial and private Nix meetups in Stockholm, but it would be nice to pool our resources and do something bigger! To find dates that work, I used, which is pretty neat.

We were three people this time, and we were thinking of having another meetup later in January.
You are welcome to join and grow the Stockholm community!

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I asked in about getting a Swedish channel created. I reckon it’d be a nice to have, easier to collaborate when planning things and such. I’m really stoked to get to know Swedish Nix people, sad I missed the last one (I’m busy every other Tuesday).

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Oh sad i missed the last 2 meetups, just found this. Sign me up for the next meetup!

@Salsa9 Did you create a matrix room? (can’t find it in the nixos space)

Nop, when I asked I got sent around like trying to cancel a dark-pattern subscription service :frowning:

@Salsa9 I asked in for a meetup channel. Let’s what comes back.

Should we plan for another meetup on January 30 or 31 (Tuesday or Wednesday)?

The Matrix channel is now available under

Maybe Wednesday the 31st? That way we give those who have busy Tuesdays a chance to partake?

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