This is related to a previous question which i noticed that i did a pretty poor job explaining (and understanding now that i get a little bit more of nixos)
In lutris, I want to override the SDL2 library in use to build the FHS environment with one that has some patches (named SDL2_patched). Basically, in the multiPkgs argument in the buildFHSenv function, i have to replace pkgs.SDL2 with pkgs.SDL2_patched.
However I do not know how to start doing that overlay, as i’ve only worked with overlays that change the buildApplication (or buildPythonApplication) function, and I don’t know if it being in another file (fhsenv.nix instead of default.nix) would change anything.
It works, thanks a lot! I was already thinking on how to recreate the multiPkgs set without SDL and with SDL2, but overriding the pkgs set SDL2 lib is way easier.
Thanks again!