Nix User Group Poland Meetup #1

Hey all!
On 6th of April, at 18.00, in Warsaw Hackerspace there will be a small meetup for Polish Nix users in general. Since this will be a Polish meetup, please bear in mind that we will discuss in Polish :wink:

Please feel free to join our Discord server to stay in touch: Nix User Group - Polska


Nice to hear! I know a couple of NixOS users in Poland (myself included), but two of us are in Tricity and another in Krakow, hope we can catch up one day :slight_smile:

Nice to hear that, even tho, feel welcome to join our Discord as there are people from other parts of Poland as well, I know that people from Tricity already organized a small Meetup on the topic of Nix in their Hackerspace

can’t wait to catch up with you irl tho))

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