Nix Wheels, because Nix is 'wheelie good'. [AS SEEN ON YOU TUBE]

Print them , Give them to your friends.

Make a PR.

Nix wheels, because why reinvent the wheel (unix) when you can have a better one with nixos

If you need them making and want one sent to you, then all profits will be donated to the nix foundation. We cannot guarantee that you will be sent a lemon however.

The entire thing was made with nixos, using blender on nixos, the video was edited and rendered in nixos too…

Its open source, share and enjoy.


What is this x)

What does that mean…?
Did you declaratively setup a edit / render job in Nix? :thinking::eyes:


Nix is how we roll


corrections … i get nix and nixos confused.

@bew Actually, while it is mostly bash, the rendering (I’m the creator of the video) is done using a nix-shell.

Thus, it is actually a declarative render-job.

Great stuff! I had ordered some to share with special Nix friends.

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would you say it was a 5 star service?

5 out of 5 Nix flakes!

There you go @fricklerhandwerk is never wrong!!

Order some nix wheel’s today!

This reaches an unusual WTF level :smiley:

I need to print a few one

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or we can print them for you!!!

Using our special glowing nix glitter!!!

If I use some filament made of corn, would I print corn flakes? (PLA is almost made of corn starch)


if you use chocolate you will get 99 Flakes.

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we need photographic evidence of you ‘using’ the product!

also can you write a 5 star review on amazon!

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Omg, someone (was it you?) gave me one of these for free at the end of fosdem this year! (I still have it, obviously)

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Wondering if next version would be catenatable :thinking: :rofl:

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do you mean concatenation ??? , like the unix shell command cat


Yes, they already feature concatenation… so they click together, and you can make large towers/pillars of them.

Nix Wheels , make THE TOWER OF POWER!

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Yes :smile_cat:

I know that they are stackable.
But I mean both vertically and horizontally, like nixpkgs.

ie vertically:

buildInput = mkDerivation {
  buildInput = mkDerivation { 
    buildInput = mkDerivation {
      buildInput = mkDerivation { ... };

ie horizontally and vertically:

buildInputs = [
  (mkDerivation { 
    buildInputs = [
      (mkDerication {  ...  })
      (mkDerication {  ...  })
  (mkDerivation { 
    buildInputs = [
      (mkDerication {  ...  })
      (mkDerication {  ...  })
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