NixCon NA 2024 - Talk slides and other resources

Hello again!


Like in previous years, we’d appreciate if speakers could upload their amazing slides to our NixConContent repo.

Please, if you are giving a talk on this event, create a PR for your talks. Or at the very least send me the resources and I’ll upload them for you.

Thanks! :pray:


Will there be any video recordings available so that the talks can be watched later, like it was the case for previous nixcons?

Don’t know of any VODs yet, but the whole livestream is on the SCaLE’s youtube channel.


Also, today’s livestream is already live! And in the future that link should also point back to the recording.

The SCALE team is working on splitting up the live stream into individual talks. It’s all volunteer based so it make take a little while.


Looks like NixCon hasn’t been split yet but many talks from the Immutable and Reproducible Software track have been! This was a SCaLE track that @sarcasticadmin, @davidnuon, and I organized that had several Nix talks but also talks from other projects that are working on immutability (e.g. Fedora SilverBlue and VanillaOS).