NixOps + GCE deployment errors

Hey all,

I’m running into a frustrating time trying to get a deployment out on GCE. I’m trying to test some changes to NixOps that allow for private IP usage for SSH. I don’t think these changes are the cause of my GCE issues, but I am using a custom nixops, so just in case, here’s the git diff:

diff --git a/nix/gce.nix b/nix/gce.nix
index d106ce0..53d3144 100644
--- a/nix/gce.nix
+++ b/nix/gce.nix
@@ -278,6 +278,14 @@ in
+      associatePublicIpAddress = mkOption {
+        default = true;
+        type = types.bool;
+        description = ''
+          Whether or not to associate a public IP address with this node.
+        '';
+      };
       network = mkOption {
         default = null;
         example = "resources.gceNetworks.verySecureNetwork";
diff --git a/nixops/backends/ b/nixops/backends/
index fdcdb27..725ccab 100644
--- a/nixops/backends/
+++ b/nixops/backends/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class GCEDefinition(MachineDefinition, ResourceDefinition):
         self.copy_option(x, 'project', str)
         self.copy_option(x, 'serviceAccount', str)
         self.copy_option(x, 'canIpForward', bool, optional=True)
+        self.copy_option(x, 'associatePublicIpAddress', bool, optional=True)
         self.access_key_path = self.get_option_value(x, 'accessKey', str)
         self.copy_option(x, 'tags', 'strlist')
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ class GCEState(MachineState, ResourceState):
         return "gce"
     machine_name = attr_property("", None)
+    associate_public_ip_address = attr_property("gce.associatePublicIpAddress", True)
     public_ipv4 = attr_property("publicIpv4", None)
     private_ipv4 = attr_property("privateIpv4", None)
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ class GCEState(MachineState, ResourceState):
     def address_to(self, resource):
         """Return the IP address to be used to access "resource" from this machine."""
-        if isinstance(resource, GCEState) and ==
+        if isinstance(resource, GCEState) and (not resource.associate_public_ip_address or ==
             return resource.private_ipv4
             return MachineState.address_to(self, resource)
@@ -209,7 +211,8 @@ class GCEState(MachineState, ResourceState):
     defn_properties = ['tags', 'region', 'instance_type',
                        'email', 'scopes', 'subnet', 'preemptible',
-                       'metadata', 'ipAddress', 'network']
+                       'metadata', 'ipAddress', 'network',
+                       'associatePublicIpAddress']
     def is_deployed(self):
         return (self.vm_id or self.block_device_mapping)
@@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ class GCEState(MachineState, ResourceState):
                                  location = self.connect().ex_get_zone(defn.region),
                                  ex_boot_disk = self.connect().ex_get_volume(boot_disk['disk_name'] or boot_disk['disk'], boot_disk.get('region', None)),
                                  ex_metadata = self.full_metadata(defn.metadata), ex_tags = defn.tags, ex_service_accounts = service_accounts,
-                                 external_ip = (self.connect().ex_get_address(defn.ipAddress) if defn.ipAddress else 'ephemeral'),
+                                 external_ip = (None if not defn.associatePublicIpAddress else self.connect().ex_get_address(defn.ipAddress) if defn.ipAddress else 'ephemeral'),
                                  ex_can_ip_forward = defn.can_ip_forward,
                                  # in theory the API accepts creating an
                                  # instance by specifying only the subnet
@@ -444,9 +447,12 @@ class GCEState(MachineState, ResourceState):
             self.ssh_pinged = False
             self.public_ipv4 = node.public_ips[0]
-            self.log("got public IP: {0}".format(self.public_ipv4))
+            if self.associate_public_ip_address:
+                self.log("got public IP: {0}".format(self.public_ipv4))
             known_hosts.add(self.public_ipv4, self.public_host_key)
             self.private_ipv4 = node.private_ips[0]
+            if not self.associate_public_ip_address:
+                self.log("got private IP: {0}".format(self.private_ipv4))
             for k,v in self.block_device_mapping.iteritems():
                 v['needsAttach'] = True
                 self.update_block_device_mapping(k, v)
@@ -932,9 +938,14 @@ class GCEState(MachineState, ResourceState):
         return keys
     def get_ssh_name(self):
-        if not self.public_ipv4:
-            raise Exception("{0} does not have a public IPv4 address (yet)".format(self.full_name))
-        return self.public_ipv4
+        if self.associate_public_ip_address:
+            if not self.public_ipv4:
+                raise Exception("{0} does not have a public IPv4 address (yet)".format(self.full_name))
+            return self.public_ipv4
+        else:
+            if not self.private_ipv4:
+                raise Exception("{0} does not have a private IPv4 address (yet)".format(self.full_name))
+            return self.private_ipv4
     def get_ssh_private_key_file(self):
         return self._ssh_private_key_file or self.write_ssh_private_key(self.private_client_key)

Here’s the background info on my deployment process and steps I took to generate a debug file:

I created an account on GCE
, created a project: foo
, created a service account:
, generated/saved a .json key for this account: foo-000000-b14hb14hb14h.json
, added the ‘Storage Object Admin’ Role to the service account
, ran nix-env -i google-cloud-sdk && readlink -f ./foo-000000-b14hb14hb14h.json | gsutil config -e
, git clone-ed nixpkgs, checked out the 18.09 tagged commit hash, and ran ./nixos/maintainers/scripts/gce/
, ran nixops create -d g logical.nix physical.nix && nixops deploy -d g --debug 2> debugoutput

Sparing everyone the xml output (tho willing to paste sections on request), the debugoutput file is as follows:

lb-net.............> creating GCE network 'n-b6f433eb524c11e98f6d00155dbfa307-lb-net'...
plain-hc...........> creating GCE HTTP health check 'n-b6f433eb524c11e98f6d00155dbfa307-plain-hc'...
mwilsoncoding-nixos> creating GCE image 'mwilsoncoding-nixos'...
bootstrap..........> creating GCE image 'n-b6f433eb524c11e98f6d00155dbfa307-bootstrap'...
error: Multiple exceptions (4): 
  * bootstrap: {'domain': 'usageLimits', 'message': 'Access Not Configured. Compute Engine API has not been used in project 1078724259120 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.', 'reason': 'accessNotConfigured', 'extendedHelp': ''}
  * lb-net: {'domain': 'usageLimits', 'message': 'Access Not Configured. Compute Engine API has not been used in project 1078724259120 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.', 'reason': 'accessNotConfigured', 'extendedHelp': ''}
  * mwilsoncoding-nixos: {'domain': 'usageLimits', 'message': 'Access Not Configured. Compute Engine API has not been used in project 1078724259120 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.', 'reason': 'accessNotConfigured', 'extendedHelp': ''}
  * plain-hc: {'domain': 'usageLimits', 'message': 'Access Not Configured. Compute Engine API has not been used in project 1078724259120 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.', 'reason': 'accessNotConfigured', 'extendedHelp': ''}

Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/nix/store/igwmf6kfsna6rpywdz7qf55jxyv0imkx-nixops-1.6.1pre0_abcdef/bin/.nixops-wrapped", line 1000, in <module>
  File "/nix/store/igwmf6kfsna6rpywdz7qf55jxyv0imkx-nixops-1.6.1pre0_abcdef/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 20, in print_all_backtraces
    traceback.print_exception(e[0], e[1], e[2])
  File "/nix/store/2smkcirh3snjk71ia9s3rmrkfzr1giia-python-2.7.15/lib/python2.7/", line 125, in print_exception
    print_tb(tb, limit, file)
  File "/nix/store/2smkcirh3snjk71ia9s3rmrkfzr1giia-python-2.7.15/lib/python2.7/", line 61, in print_tb
    f = tb.tb_frame
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'tb_frame'

And if it’s of any use, here is the logical.nix (I’m experimenting with mkReplicas, so forgive me if this looks a bit weird):

  mkReplicas =
    build_specification: name_prefix: quantity:
    builtins.listToAttrs (
      builtins.genList (
        { "name" = "${name_prefix}${builtins.toString count}"; 
          "value" = build_specification;
      ) quantity

  httpdlb =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { services.httpd = {
        extraModules = ["proxy_balancer" "lbmethod_byrequests"];
        extraConfig = ''
          <Proxy balancer://cluster>
            Allow from all
            BalancerMember http://webserver0 retry=0
            BalancerMember http://webserver1 retry=0
          ProxyPass         /    balancer://cluster/
          ProxyPassReverse  /    balancer://cluster/

  staticwebserver =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { services.httpd = {
        documentRoot = "${pkgs.valgrind.doc}/share/doc/valgrind/html";
  network = {
    description = "Load balanced static web server";

  defaults = {
    imports = [ ./firewallcommon.nix ./httpdcommon.nix ];
} //
mkReplicas httpdlb "loadbalancer" 1 //
mkReplicas staticwebserver "webserver" 2

And the physical.nix:

  credentials = {
    project = "foo";
    serviceAccount = "";
    accessKey = "/home/mwilson/nixtalks/gce/foo-000000-b14hb14hb14h.json";

  gcevm =
    { resources, ... }:
      deployment = {
        targetEnv = "gce";
        gce = credentials // {
          region = "us-east4";
          bootstrapImage = resources.gceImages.mwilsoncoding-nixos;
          tags = [ "public-http" ];
          network =;
    resources = { = credentials // {
        addressRange = "";
        firewall = {
          allow-http = {
            targetTags = [ "public-http" ];
            allowed.tcp = [ 80 ];
          allow-ping.allowed.icmp = null;

      gceHTTPHealthChecks.plain-hc = credentials;

      gceTargetPools.backends =
        { resources, nodes, ... }:
        credentials // {
          region = "us-east4";
          healthCheck = resources.gceHTTPHealthChecks.plain-hc;
          machines = with nodes; [ webserver0 webserver1 ];
        }; =
        { resources, ... }:
        credentials // {
          protocol = "TCP";
          region = "us-east4";
          portRange = "80";
          targetPool = resources.gceTargetPools.backends;
          description = "Alternative HTTP Load Balancer";

      gceImages.mwilsoncoding-nixos = credentials // {
        name = "mwilsoncoding-nixos";
        sourceUri = "gs://mwilsoncoding-nixos/nixos-image-18.09.2317.18fec2687c0-x86_64-linux.raw.tar.gz";

    loadbalancer0 = gcevm;

    webserver0 = gcevm;
    webserver1 = gcevm;

Any ideas on how to get this to deploy correctly?

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Many thanks to amine-chikhaoui for the assist in IRC!

If it helps anyone else with any random thing in the future, here’s the main issue:

In physical.nix, project = "foo"; should instead be project = "foo-000000";
The first is my project’s name, where the second is my project’s ID.

Also this bit in the git diff:

should instead be:
external_ip = (None if not defn.associate_public_ip_address else ...
because GCEDefinition::__init__ copies the associatePublicIpAddress option into defn as an attribute- renaming it like so: re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])',r'\1_\2', name).lower()

Making that change got it all compiling and deploying correctly (when associatePublicIpAddress is set to true- I’m still working on the false bit (index out of range exception instead of the expected failure: an exception stating the machines could not be reached via ssh (cuz I’m deploying from my work laptop, which is not local to GCE))).

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