NixOS 24.11 Retrospective

Today we had the NixOS 24.11 retrospective. To sum it up, the release went well but we could’ve used a longer beta phase and have more hardware for ZHF.

  • @RossComputerGuy: delays

    • Long delay due to netrc regression was inconvenient
    • Faster staging cycle
    • Release the beta earlier (like a month to get a couple staging cycles)
  • @tomberek: in previous years we scaled up compute during release stabilization, we should do that again

  • @RossComputerGuy: release wiki doesn’t have docs on it, we should add that

    • week or two before ZHF, we should probably scale it up
    • make sure it’s in the release wiki
  • @tomberek: timeline and schedule retrospective

  • @RossComputerGuy: second to last week of month was nice for release because netrc bug happened

  • @tomberek: more callouts would help to keep people apprised of schedule

    • more people involved in testing
    • add something in the wiki about collaboration with marketing team for more awareness
  • @tomberek: were there skillsets in short supply, or successes to toss a thank you to?

  • @RossComputerGuy: Darwin rewrite was really helpful

    • more unified approach, less maintenance
  • @numinit: how much ZHF burndown did we have?

  • @pyrox (chat): from 6854 to 4339 failing packages

    • aarch64-darwin: 1541 → 1153
    • aarch64-linux: 1554 → 666
    • x86_64-darwin: 1701 → 1362
    • x86_64-linux: 2058 → 1158
  • @RossComputerGuy: more participation in ZHF would help from people with huge machines

  • @tomberek: we should use nix-community builders too

  • @pyrox: maybe we should talk to providers like Garnix about helping out

  • @numinit: “all hands on deck” approach for a release

  • @pyrox: publicity incentive for providers helping us to get it across this line

  • @RossComputerGuy: companies helping out with providing hardware for releases would be useful

  • @pyrox: sponsored hardware decreases financial load on the Foundation

  • @RossComputerGuy: challenges

    • Didn’t have enough time for certain things, could have used even more people helping with ZHF, more testing in PRs
    • Had to push staging around, having more resources would help
  • @numinit: having to pick and choose which package updates would be realistic for 24.11, though that happens every release

  • @RossComputerGuy: longer beta provides a bigger window to get things done

  • @numinit: usual aarch64 package issues

  • @RossComputerGuy: they’ll go down over time as more package configurations are tested

  • @RossComputerGuy: future improvements

    • Getting ARM NixOS releases more easily installable will result in more testing
    • Better install images for different platforms, but possibly a lot of the due to ARM fragmentation
    • Better docs on ARM stuff since it’s outdated. Make stuff more current.
  • @RossComputerGuy: process or tool upgrades needed?

    • expanding Hydra
  • @pyrox: making sure there are enough ARM builders to keep up with the community

  • @RossComputerGuy: infra team is working on it, probably needs more of a push to get enough aarch64 builder capacity

  • @RossComputerGuy: release editors have anything to say?

  • @GetPsyched: things were smooth, wiki team collaboration was pretty last minute

  • @getchoo: things were smooth except reaching out to the wiki team could be improved and getting the release notes cleaned up could be faster

    • Release notes getting merged without commit bit was rough
  • @RossComputerGuy: bother someone with a commit bit to get it done

    • post link on Matrix so it’s easier to see

Thank you @numinit for keeping track of the notes.


Thanks to everyone who attended for the good retrospective! :raised_hands:


Appreciate y’all’s hard work getting this out! Thank you!


Shoutout to @reckenrode who got mentioned in the above for the Darwin work.


Thank you for your hard work!

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