Hello, we have a NixOS assembly on the remote congress rc3. We will have some talks/workshop sessions. So if you are around you are welcome to join.
our current schedule looks like this (time is in CET):
Why NixOS
2020-12-27 20:00
LiveCoding Run unpatched binaries on NixOS
2020-12-27 21:00
Nix Flakes 101
2020-12-28 20:00
NixOS maintainer party
2020-12-29 17:00
Packaging Workadventure in NixOS
2020-12-30 14:00
We are currently unsure if we host this exclusively on the rc3 infrastructure or if we organize this available also for other interested parties. If you want to join but can’t (cause you have no ticket) just write down below
We yesterday tested our streaming setup. We should be able to provide a live stream for most of the events - Links will be posted later. We use #nixos-rc3 on irc/freenode for coordination right now.