Nixos FIDO2 yubikey and nitrokey

Hi all,

I would use FIDO2 for decryp hdd. I use this : NixOS 23.11 manual | Nix & NixOS

But I have this error :

No FIDO2 key found, failling back to normal open procedure

Someone have good result with FIDO2 key ?

I use Nitro Fido2 New Nitrokey FIDO2 For 2FA And Passwordless Login | Nitrokey and YubiKey 5 with same résult.

The normal open procedure are good.

In configuration.nix, I have :

`boot.initrd.luks.fido2Support = true;`

`  boot.initrd.luks.devices."partitions".device = "/dev/sda2";`

`  boot.initrd.luks.devices."partitions".fido2.credential = "a67d17616bf2568727498dffa95205df943383ab3a2f9798606532d5791a155a37dd52dae2262619c1da2be7562ec9dd94888c71a9326fea70dfe16214b5ea8ec0143b010000";`

in hardware.nix I have :

`{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:`



`  imports =`

`    [ (modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix")`

`    ];`


`  boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ];`

`  boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "dm-snapshot" ];`

`  boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];`

`  boot.extraModulePackages = [ ];`


`  fileSystems."/" =`

`    { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/b670bb55-7e29-4477-8f58-118c42598f40";`

`      fsType = "ext4";`

`    };`


`  fileSystems."/boot" =`

`  { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/0BEC-722D";`

`    fsType = "vfat";`

`  };`


`  swapDevices =`

`    [ { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/d52b6afe-cb3f-4e92-8e4b-5394a0bef647"; }`

`    ];`
`boot.initrd.luks.devices = {`

`    "partitions" = {`

`      device = "/dev/sda2";`

`      preLVM = true; # You may want to set this to false if you need to start a network service first`

`      };`

`    }; `

Idea ?

I suggest to use systemd-initrd with its native FIDO2 systemd-cryptenroll support, nixos/doc: add documentation on using FIDO2 tokens in systemd stage1 by dadada · Pull Request #259773 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub.


Thank you, all is fine now !

I noticed that if I don’t have the FIDO key connected, it asks me to enter the decryption password. Is there a way to block this mechanism? I would like decryption to require the FIDO2 key.


I think adding "headless=true" to crypttabExtraOpts would accomplish that.