(quite late again, sorry about that)
Attendees: Théophane, Jonas, Eelco, Ron
- Review Nix event funding applications
- Financials/banking
- Documentation Team
- Communicating with the board
- NGI packaging Matthias would like us to hire somebody to support NGI packaging / SoN:
- Critical Prioritization
- Review the issue board
- We should specify how people can get reimbursed for events (e.g. by filing an opencollective expense)
- Approved ZHF Zurich event
- Bunq (bank account) access
- Bunq currently only supports EU citizens, so we can’t add Ron to the account. So we’ll try Théophane instead.
- Financials/Banking
- Ron created first report categorization for 2022, will follow up and expected monthly expense rate and budget forecast
- Docs team donation
- A lot of folks have been donating with flox donating the first 5k
- Board is donating 1k
- More channels to communicate with the board
- Opening a matrix chat channel for NixOS foundation (https://matrix.to/#/#foundation:nixos.org)
- Admin hiring to also support SoN
- Jonas going to look into this and start moving on next steps