- Acquire nix. domain
- Formalizing teams
- Formalization framework
- Infra team
- Nix team
- NixCon
- Payments and bank account
- General status
- Non-profit/charitable status
- Acquiring a nix focused domain i.e. nix.(something common)
- Probably nix .com ending is too expensive
- Working with a broker looking into this
- Once we have pricing we want to evaluate
- Empowering and formalizing teams
- Infra team
- Need to ensure that team members only have access to what they need
- Nix team
- We will finish up a doc on team formalization
- NixCon update
- Organizers are aligned and running
- Dates/location are finalized - Paris, October 20/21 and Hackathon on October 22
- Not enough volunteers yet
- Foundation can (probably) sign stuff like venue rentals - need to sync
- We should also be able to use the foundation bank account - also sync
- Venue: looking at a couple of options
- What should be the capacity? Bruno was 160 attendees so that’s probably approximately how many people we can expect.
- Ticket price: expecting to set at the same of prior NixCons - €50
- Should have a board meeting in Paris around NixCon
- Starting to work on sponsorship and sponsorship tracks
- Non-profit/charitable status
- Will have more about this in two weeks
- Summer of Nix
- Participant contracts have been signed
- SoN 2022 is starting July 18
- This will spend the remainder of the NGI budget
Action Items
- Sync with treasury on:
- Foundation signing venue rental agreements, etc
- Using the Foundation bank account for NixCon
- NixCon
- Need to form a program committee to review talk proposals inclusively
- Ask for more volunteers
Hosted by Flying Circus.