Nixos friendly ARM SoC (plug sd card and boot) below $50

Hi everyone! I use Raspbian/Octoprint with Banana Pi BPI-M2 ZERO - Banana Pi Wiki for my 3d printer

I want to scale Octoprint with Nixos, but try a different board cause bpi m2 zero lacks USB ports, has non-standard HDMI, and the requirement to an external antenna. Still, this board costs only $27 on Aliexpress with free shipment.

I’ve read NixOS on ARM - NixOS Wiki

There are a lot of variants with wi-fi, but some require some weird steps, like installing other distro and upgrading firmware, I would like something Nixos friendly with generic u-boot, so I can plug sdcard (or ssd drive) and boot if it possible, of course.

Which wi-fi variants have good price/maintenance ratio on your experience? Should I pick rpi4 and accept imperative steps to prepare it for Nixos?

I wanted to try:


but unfortunately pine boards never in stock.