Nixos-rebuild doesn't find file

Hey I have a problem that whatever I try I can’t get the command

sudo nixos-rebuild build --flake .#desktop 

to work

building the system configuration...
warning: Git tree '/home/stefan/nixos' is dirty
       … while calling the 'seq' builtin

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:322:18:

          321|         options = checked options;
          322|         config = checked (removeAttrs config [ "_module" ]);
             |                  ^
          323|         _module = checked (config._module);

       … while evaluating a branch condition

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:261:9:

          260|       checkUnmatched =
          261|         if config._module.check && config._module.freeformType == null && merged.unmatchedDefns != [] then
             |         ^
          262|           let

       … in the left operand of the AND (&&) operator

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:261:72:

          260|       checkUnmatched =
          261|         if config._module.check && config._module.freeformType == null && merged.unmatchedDefns != [] then
             |                                                                        ^
          262|           let

       … in the left operand of the AND (&&) operator

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:261:33:

          260|       checkUnmatched =
          261|         if config._module.check && config._module.freeformType == null && merged.unmatchedDefns != [] then
             |                                 ^
          262|           let

       … while evaluating a branch condition

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:254:12:

          254|         in if declaredConfig._module.freeformType == null then declaredConfig
             |            ^
          255|           # Because all definitions that had an associated option ended in

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:242:28:

          241|           # For definitions that have an associated option
          242|           declaredConfig = mapAttrsRecursiveCond (v: ! isOption v) (_: v: v.value) options;
             |                            ^

       … while calling 'mapAttrsRecursiveCond'

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/attrsets.nix:734:5:

          733|     # Attribute set to recursively map over.
          734|     set:
             |     ^
          735|     let

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:234:33:

          233|           ({ inherit lib options config specialArgs; } // specialArgs);
          234|         in mergeModules prefix (reverseList collected);
             |                                 ^

       … while calling 'reverseList'

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/lists.nix:510:17:

          509|   */
          510|   reverseList = xs:
             |                 ^
          511|     let l = length xs; in genList (n: elemAt xs (l - n - 1)) l;

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:229:25:

          228|       merged =
          229|         let collected = collectModules
             |                         ^
          230|           class

       … while calling anonymous lambda

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:445:37:

          445|     in modulesPath: initialModules: args:
             |                                     ^
          446|       filterModules modulesPath (collectStructuredModules unknownModule "" initialModules args);

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:446:7:

          445|     in modulesPath: initialModules: args:
          446|       filterModules modulesPath (collectStructuredModules unknownModule "" initialModules args);
             |       ^

       … while calling 'filterModules'

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:413:36:

          412|       # modules recursively. It returns the final list of unique-by-key modules
          413|       filterModules = modulesPath: { disabled, modules }:
             |                                    ^
          414|         let

       … while calling anonymous lambda

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:439:31:

          438|           disabledKeys = concatMap ({ file, disabled }: map (moduleKey file) disabled) disabled;
          439|           keyFilter = filter (attrs: ! elem attrs.key disabledKeys);
             |                               ^
          440|         in map (attrs: attrs.module) (builtins.genericClosure {

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:400:22:

          399|           let
          400|             module = checkModule (loadModule args parentFile "${parentKey}:anon-${toString n}" x);
             |                      ^
          401|             collectedImports = collectStructuredModules module._file module.key module.imports args;

       … while calling anonymous lambda

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:359:11:

          358|         then
          359|           m:
             |           ^
          360|             if m._class != null -> m._class == class

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:400:35:

          399|           let
          400|             module = checkModule (loadModule args parentFile "${parentKey}:anon-${toString n}" x);
             |                                   ^
          401|             collectedImports = collectStructuredModules module._file module.key module.imports args;

       … while calling 'loadModule'

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:336:53:

          335|       # Like unifyModuleSyntax, but also imports paths and calls functions if necessary
          336|       loadModule = args: fallbackFile: fallbackKey: m:
             |                                                     ^
          337|         if isFunction m then

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:354:14:

          353|           throw "Module imports can't be nested lists. Perhaps you meant to remove one level of lists? Definitions: ${showDefs defs}"
          354|         else unifyModuleSyntax (toString m) (toString m) (applyModuleArgsIfFunction (toString m) (import m) args);
             |              ^

       … while calling 'unifyModuleSyntax'

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:454:34:

          453|      of ‘options’, ‘config’ and ‘imports’ attributes. */
          454|   unifyModuleSyntax = file: key: m:
             |                                  ^
          455|     let

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:354:59:

          353|           throw "Module imports can't be nested lists. Perhaps you meant to remove one level of lists? Definitions: ${showDefs defs}"
          354|         else unifyModuleSyntax (toString m) (toString m) (applyModuleArgsIfFunction (toString m) (import m) args);
             |                                                           ^

       … while calling 'applyModuleArgsIfFunction'

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:488:39:

          488|   applyModuleArgsIfFunction = key: f: args@{ config, options, lib, ... }:
             |                                       ^
          489|     if isFunction f then applyModuleArgs key f args else f;

       … from call site

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/modules.nix:489:8:

          488|   applyModuleArgsIfFunction = key: f: args@{ config, options, lib, ... }:
          489|     if isFunction f then applyModuleArgs key f args else f;
             |        ^

       … while calling 'isFunction'

         at /nix/store/gsydlhd8sya1wf5prv1p8sg4dd91gna4-source/lib/trivial.nix:458:16:

          457|   */
          458|   isFunction = f: builtins.isFunction f ||
             |                ^
          459|     (f ? __functor && isFunction (f.__functor f));

       error: getting status of '/nix/store/jx33asf8ykz3rxafvx56gq2vhqn14zh5-source/hosts/desktop': No such file or directory

├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── hosts
│   ├── desktop
│   │   ├── configuration.nix
│   │   ├── hardware-configuration.nix
│   │   └── main-user.nix
│   ├── liveiso
│   │   └── configuration.nix
│   └── vmHost
│       ├── configuration.nix
│       ├── hardware-configuration.nix
│       ├── home.nix
│       └── main-user.nix
├── modules
│   ├── default.nix
│   ├── features
│   │   └── power-management.nix
│   ├── home-manager
│   ├── nixos
│   └── services
└── myLib
    └── default.nix
# flake.nix
# ================================================================ #
  # =                           WELCOME!                           = #
  # ================================================================ #

  description = "My NixOS configuration";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

  outputs = {...} @ inputs: let
    # super simple boilerplate-reducing
    # lib with a bunch of functions
    myLib = import ./myLib/default.nix {inherit inputs;};
  with myLib; {
    nixosConfigurations = {
        # ===================== NixOS Configurations ===================== #

        desktop = mkSystem ./hosts/desktop/configuration.nix;
        # vmHost = mkSystem ./hosts/vmHost/configuration.nix;
        liveiso = mkSystem ./hosts/liveiso/configuration.nix;

    nixosModules.default = ./modules;
# myLib/default.nix
{inputs}: let
  myLib = (import ./default.nix) {inherit inputs;};
  outputs = inputs.self.outputs;
in rec {
  # ================================================================ #
  # =                            My Lib                            = #
  # ================================================================ #

  # ======================= Package Helpers ======================== #

  pkgsFor = sys: inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${sys};

  # ========================== Buildables ========================== #

  mkSystem = config:
    inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      specialArgs = {
        inherit inputs outputs myLib;
      modules = [

  mkHome = sys: config:
    inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
      pkgs = pkgsFor sys;
      extraSpecialArgs = {
        inherit inputs myLib outputs;
      modules = [

  # =========================== Helpers ============================ #

  filesIn = dir: (map (fname: dir + "/${fname}")
    (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir dir)));

  fileNameOf = path: (builtins.head (builtins.split "\\." (baseNameOf path)));

  # ========================== Extenders =========================== #

  # Evaluates nixos/home-manager module and extends it's options / config
  extendModule = {path, ...} @ args: {pkgs, ...} @ margs: let
    eval =
      if (builtins.isString path) || (builtins.isPath path)
      then import path margs
      else path margs;
    evalNoImports = builtins.removeAttrs eval ["imports" "options"];

    extra =
      if (builtins.hasAttr "extraOptions" args) || (builtins.hasAttr "extraConfig" args)
      then [
        ({...}: {
          options = args.extraOptions or {};
          config = args.extraConfig or {};
      else [];
  in {
    imports =
      (eval.imports or [])
      ++ extra;

    options =
      if builtins.hasAttr "optionsExtension" args
      then (args.optionsExtension (eval.options or {}))
      else (eval.options or {});

    config =
      if builtins.hasAttr "configExtension" args
      then (args.configExtension (eval.config or evalNoImports))
      else (eval.config or evalNoImports);

  # Applies extendModules to all modules
  # modules can be defined in the same way
  # as regular imports, or taken from "filesIn"
  extendModules = extension: modules:
    (f: let
      name = fileNameOf f;
    in (extendModule ((extension name) // {path = f;})))

  # ============================ Shell ============================= #
  forAllSystems = pkgs:
    inputs.nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs [
    (system: pkgs inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system});
1 Like

Flakes are “git aware”, if there are untracked files, then they will be filtered out when being added to the nix store.

In other words:

git add hosts/desktop

and try again.


Thanks… was pulling my hair out until I saw this…

1 Like

extra tip is to use git add -N . which marks all the files in current and subdirectories as intended to add but does not yet stage them.

I am always testing things and normally don’t want to stage something before I have seen it built at least once. :slight_smile: