Hi there!
This has happened now a few times and I’m unable to recover from this unless I hard reboot the server. Any advice how to prevent this or at least recover from this remotely?
[766253.179498] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close cancelled mid failed rc:-9
[766253.182240] CIFS: IFS: \\\Plex Close cancelled mid failed rc:-9
[766253.183155] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close cancelled mid failed rc:-9
[767570.539969] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close interrupted close
[767570.540656] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for MID:32685191
[767570.541628] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for MID:32685193
[767570.542984] CIFS: IFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for MID:32685194
[767578.544587] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for MID:32685195
[767570.545118] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for MID:3=n
[767570.546012] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for #10:32685198
[767570.547509] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close cancelled mid failed rc:
[801834.727462] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close interrupted close
[801834.727548] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close interrupted close
[801834.727859] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for MID:34384574
[801834.728819] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close unmatched open for MID:34384578
[801834.729883] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close cancelled mid failed rc:-9
[801834.731746] CIFS: VFS: \\\Plex Close cancelled mid failed rc. 9
[958554.360809] Out of memory: Killed process 2047486 (Isolated Web Co) total-vm:3100332kB, anon-rss:352168kB, file-rss:484kB, shmem-rss:1152kB, 610:1000 pgtables:2292kB oom_score_adj:167
fstab if relevant
# This is a generated file. Do not edit!
# To make changes, edit the fileSystems and swapDevices NixOS options
# in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
# Filesystems.
/dev/disk/by-uuid/f9b85e7b-2d2b-4787-a6bc-6d7a70d2c197 / ext4 x-initrd.mount 0 1
/dev/disk/by-uuid/50A5-A97D /boot vfat fmask=0077,dmask=0077 0 2
// /mnt/backup cifs username=nuc,password=<some pwd>,noperm 0 0
// /mnt/docker_appdata cifs username=nuc,password=<some pwd>,noperm 0 0
// /mnt/plex cifs username=nuc,password=<some pwd>,noperm 0 0
// /mnt/syncthing cifs username=nuc,password=<some pwd>,noperm 0 0
# Swap devices.
/dev/disk/by-uuid/ea79395b-4b93-413c-bd5a-5d3d83008ae2 none swap defaults
htop (normal operation)
Unfortunately I couldn’t SSH into the system to get stats before the reboot.
Thanks for any pointers in advance,