NixOS showing only the basic login screen and numlock on boot not working

A week ago or so, my terminal gave me a warning that certain options changed (due to the transition from X11 to Wayland I presume). I’m using KDE Plasma 6. Ever since I updated my configuration.nix file to have the most recent options my login screen started to look like this and numlock didn’t start at boot anymore:

My file looks like this:

 services = {

	# Printing
	printing = {
		enable = true;
		drivers = with pkgs; [
	avahi = {
  		enable = true;
  		nssmdns4 = true;
  		openFirewall = true;

	flatpak = {
		enable = true;
	desktopManager = {
                plasma6 = {
			enable = true;
        displayManager = {

			defaultSession = "plasma";
                        sddm.wayland.enable = true;

			# Numlock at login      
                        sddm.autoNumlock = true;

	xserver = {

		# Enable X11
		enable = true;
 		# Keymaps in X11
		xkb = {
			layout = "us";
			variant = "intl";

#		displayManager = {
			# Numlock at login 
#			setupCommands = ''
#			${pkgs.numlockx}/bin/numlockx on
#			'';	
 #			sddm.autoNumlock = true;
		  # KDE Plasma
    #                    defaultSession = "plasma";
     #                    sddm.wayland.enable = true;
     #            };
		  # Exclude automatically installed X11 packages
#			excludePackages = with pkgs; [
#				xterm
#			];

The # are how it used to look like before and I left them for reference might I want to rewrite it.

Thanks in advance!

Shameless self-bump. Does nobody know what might be up? Is it a Wayland thing?