NixOS stickers for 35c3 and FOSDEM

Hi all,

Last year I did a run of some stickers for various events:

and I’m planning on doing the same this year for 35c3 and FOSDEM. Any requests or suggestions for designs? Last year was pretty neutral with just the logo and name, I kind of want to spice it up a little this year, but I’m not sure how.


Due to the severe lack of NixOS stickers last year at the 34C3 @0x4A6F and i decided to have some stickers printed.
We made round stickers with the NixOS logo only in white and silver.

Of course cut stickers are much nicer but they were cheap and they can easily be cut into shape:

We did 2k stickers in total, however some were already given to the people at the various meetups in Stuttgart and Berlin.

@kragniz your custom cut stickers look fantastic, where have you let them made?


I got them printed at some random local place because I was short on time last year.

I got a bunch of stickers made:

If you’d like one/some:

  1. make a donation to the NixOS Foundation Nix Community | Nix & NixOS
    and send me the receipt
  2. fill out this form:

and I’ll send some your way!



Nice. I just came off a 30 day vacation. As soon as the income starts up again I definitely will make that donation. That would look really good on my laptop.

We (@makefu) are ordering 2.5k silver stickers for congress.

These are some fine stickers, do you have the design somewhere online? All i’ve found is the design with a white (uncut) inner part: as well as the original designs in without a white border.