NixOS Weekly #09 - autobake, setup.nix for Python, macOS stdenv updates, nixfmt, Elm tooling, gitignore and a job


The news summary says

Matthew’s overview of recent stdenv updates, which also bumps minimal supported version to 10.15.

The minimum supported version was bumped to 10.12. 10.15 isn’t even out yet (it’ll presumably be announced in a few weeks at WWDC).

the address is hosted on is blocked in Russia
Реестр запрещенных сайтов

Ugh, my bad, fixed.

Using netlify at the moment, but quick googling around shows that also cloudflare is blocked in Russia. I don’t think there’s much to be done here, besides using a VPN or another proxying tool.

Would you mind if we copy the contents of weekly to the forum?

I’ve changed the automation to post the content itself, let’s see how that will look next time :slight_smile:

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Oh @oxij you can subscribe to the emails at NixOS Weekly