Nixpkgs LLVM Workspace

Hello, today I started up a repo (GitHub - RossComputerGuy/nixpkgs-llvm-ws: Flake workspace / repo to stage and track Nixpkgs/NixOS's ability to be compiled completely with LLVM) to make a full LLVM compiled NixOS system and to easily test LLVM in Nixpkgs. This repo was created to easily test an LLVM compiled system/Nixpkgs without having to wait for PR’s to merge. This will offer a streamline and rapid way of reliably testing package with LLVM before a PR lands in Nixpkgs. A few packages have been added to the package set in the Flake to ensure those reliably work with LLVM. Eventually, this repo will no longer be needed but I thought it would still be an interesting thing to post. There’s some plans to let Hydra test pkgsLLVM, however I am hoping we will have a base NixOS system working before then.


Love your work, I’ve wanted to do this for a long time!

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Thank you, this definitely is a big project but going to be a good one. Right now, I’m building the LLVM NixOS config for aarch64-linux on the Nix community aarch64 box. Not sure how soon we’ll have it build right but hopefully soon.

As far as I know currently LLVM cannot build glibc, did you successfully build it? Or having musl as the default libc?

Not sure, currently just using pkgsLLVM from upstream. Will get to that when it becomes an issue. I think Zig which ships with glibc sources for cross compiling but uses LLVM in the backend has patched sources. I’m sure glibc could be shipped but we’ll see what happens.

I’ve made some good progress with this. I’m picking this back up more so I can try and have a NixOS system built with LLVM @ Planet Nix to demo. Help testing and fixing things would be appreciated.