Nyxt browser version 2.2.4 crashes at startup

Hello everyone,

I am trying to use the Nyxt web browser, installing it from nixpks. I simply added it to my environment.systemPackages. When I try to launch it from a terminal, I get the following error:

$ nyxt --verbose
Arguments parsed: (VERBOSE T URLS NIL) and NIL
 <INFO> [00:21:40] nyxt start.lisp (listen-or-query-socket) -
  Listening to socket "/run/user/1000/nyxt/nyxt.socket".
Nyxt version 2.2.4
<DEBUG> [00:21:40] nyxt start.lisp (load-lisp unsafe-load) -
  Lisp file "/home/loren/.config/nyxt/auto-config.lisp" does not exist.
<DEBUG> [00:21:40] nyxt start.lisp (load-lisp unsafe-load) -
  Lisp file "/home/loren/.config/nyxt/init.lisp" does not exist.
<DEBUG> [00:21:40] nyxt gtk.lisp (ffi-initialize gtk-browser) -
  Initializing GTK Interface
fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 10775 tid 10799:
SIGABRT received.

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I have found this pull request which might be related, but nothing concrete. Does anybody have any idea how to get Nyxt to work?