ociTools in NixOS

I’ve been working on some stuff in nixpkgs that recently got merged (and will be in 19.09!).

Because I’m clearly a cool kid, now here’s a blog post about it: fun memory violations


Cool! Are you planning to build layered images just like dockerTools.buildLayeredImage is doing?

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Cool! Are you planning to build layered images just like
dockerTools.buildLayeredImage is doing?

I’m not sure how useful that would be. The idea here is anyway to
rebuild containers when the host rebuilds so that applications in
containers are as up-to-date as the hosts. It’s more about having a
more convenient way of managing filesystem (and later) network

for sake of completeness:

build-support/oci-tools/default.nix = ociTools.buildContainer
build-support/docker/default.nix = dockerTools.buildImage

im trying to update dockerTools from v1 to v2.2 manifest format

the v2.2 format is compatible with OCI

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for what its worth: here is my messy draft, to generate OCI images from a baseImage, and add contents from nixpkgs

works with podman load < oci-image.tar but surprisingly fails with docker load < oci-image.tar, since docker cannot load OCI images

imho, the OCI format is better, cos sha256sum (hash of tarfile) is much faster than tarsum (hash of contents of tarfile)

this is “surprising”, cos docker and OCI differ only in file structure, so docker load < oci-image.tar would be trivial to implement … see my rant here

related: docker2oci to convert docker image to oci image
related: nixos/modules/virtualisation/oci-containers uses podman