Old stylix styles remaining after removing stylix

i recently removed stylix from my nixos config, but the old styles from stylix remain. is there some cache i need to clear? currently dont know what to do.

some info:

  • using niri (wayland)
  • nixos 24.11 with flakes & home-manager

so stylix changes gtk and qt config files and all the other stuff.
Which apps do you want to change/ which programs still have the old style?

oh, magically solved after some rebuilds - dk what it was, now it works.

EDIT: exept for fish, all arguments are still in a faint red/pink. does someone have an idea how to fix this?

it is that i removed stylix, but the styles i configured are still there.

sorry for the late answer.
the styles are there until you overwrite them with other styles.

i recommend readding stylix