On nixpkgs and the "AI" (follow-up to 2023 Nix Developer Dialogues)

This post is prompted by the chat we had with @fricklerhandwerk in Community Calendar - #103 by fricklerhandwerk. I wanted to submit it the same evening, but I experienced some sort of a time warp and now I find that yesterday was twelve days ago.

Arguably, one sizeable hindrance to the wider adoption of Nix (and to just using it) is the amount of public content out there that is wrong, outdated, misleading, and at times communicates anything but the right idea. This ranges from dangling chunks of outdated documentation, to unresolved discourse questions, to bad advice, and to various absolutist statements better served with a lot of disclaimers: “No, we can’t do X with Nix{,pkgs,OS}” because that is, say, “impure”. This is why, while I’ve really enjoyed our conversation and while I think Valentin has done an amazing job with the dialogues, I’m rather unsatisfied with what I myself have said (which was many unimportant things missing the bigger points).

Some random, brief, incoherent, and very much non-comprehensive draft notes follow, reiterating several times how Nix is usable today and right now, not much less so than conda or docker. These notes should possibly avoid making assumptions of any specific level of the Reader’s familiarity with Nix. In fact, the first half of these notes must be rather annoying to anyone who has had spent time with Nix, because it’s just regurgitating known and obvious properties of this tool, and not in the best possible language. The audience I rather had in mind is the Nix-curious people who might still doubt whether “Nix is for the masses” or even whether Nix is fit “for their use-case”. On the other hand, that audience might be annoyed by the second half of the notes, since it relies on the hidden context more. My apologies to both.

:warning: An important disclaimer to make is that I’m not an expert in “Nix”, or in GPU programming. I’m new to HPC as well. Misquoting somebody from the internet, I just try to generate statistically plausible texts. This primarily amounts to repeating what other people say. I also apologize for using the misnomer “AI”.

RE: “What can we do with Nixpkgs’ cudaPackages now?”

Pretty much everything you can do with the rest of Nixpkgs.

There’s no need to remember cudatoolkit or cudaPackages

I’m bound to fail and write non-sense, but let me try and elaborate: when people check out pytorch from nixpkgs, they will often find snippets online such as (WARNING: don’t) mkShell { packages = [ cudaPackages.cudatoolkit (python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.torchWithCuda ])); }. This is unfortunate, because it obfuscates a nice and obvious feature of Nix(pkgs): torchWithCuda is already linked directly to the correct version of cuda (the one it’s been built with), and only to the parts that are still relevant at runtime. In short, (python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.torchWithCuda ])) is self-contained (except for the userspace driver). Unsurprising?

  • If you’re just looking to use CUDA-accelerated pytorch/tensorflow/blender/etc, you do not need cudatoolkit or any other pieces of cudaPackages (save for nsys-ui) in your mkShell. They will have no effect (other than fetching a couple gigabytes of the stuff you won’t use). You only need those when you’re building new programs linking against CUDA.
  • One exception is when you use NixOS and run the so-called “FHS” programs, i.e. software built with the assumption of a particular OS, e.g. like native python packages from PyPi are only built to work on CentOS. Programs like that usually come without their dynamic dependencies, or they might just fail locating them. In these cases you might find yourself using nix-ld and setting NIX_LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or even LD_LIBRARY_PATH directly) to something like lib.makeSearchPath "lib" [ addDriverRunpath.driverLink cudaPackages.libcublas.lib /* ... */ ]
  • On a related note, you don’t (usually) need to referencenvidia_x11 directly. It’s linked impurely using NixOS or using wrappers like nixglhost and nixGL. It’s also almost universally the wrong thing to do. Most of the time the only correct way to refer to the nvidia driver is in NixOS (not Nixpkgs), and only through config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages or config.hardware.nvidia.package.
Binary cache

Before we move on, a remark: if you want to try out the snippets from this post, you’ll probably want to reuse some unofficial binary cache, at least for the CUDA bits (tensorflow builds are not inexpensive). A long-term foundation-endorsed solution is likely going to happen, and probably soon. One option for now, however, is the cuda-maintainers.cachix.org used by the CUDA team (e.g. linked from the team page), which is a temporary volunteer-run insecure solution used purely for test and development purposes. It’s approximately 150G with garbage collection turned on, so do expect cache-misses. The cache prioritizes the unstable channels. Cf. the build logs to find a recently cached nixpkgs revision. There might be more public caches that contain cuda-accelerated packages, notably I’d maybe check the nixified-ai and NixOS-QChem.


One more remark, specific to NVidia. CUDA is special, because we don’t link everything at build time, and that’s not likely to change. The CUDA “user-space driver” is a shared library, libcuda.so, that comes with the kernel module and can only be used with that kernel. This is just how it is today, and the reasons may have something to do with the concept of “intellectual property”.

If you’re running Ubuntu, you’ll have to rely on Ubuntu to provision this special library (which is something that otherwise never happens with Nix). This is a relatively confusing story involving the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and libc compatibility issues, the current solution to which is automated e.g. in numtide/nix-gl-host. If it fails (it’s new, it might), please open an issue on github. You could avoid the Ubuntu-deployed libcuda by using nixGL.

With NixOS things are simpler: you control the driver version, so there are no unknowns. You set hardware.opengl.enable = true (there’s no dedicated option for CUDA yet, which is very confusing but is being addressed), and you enable nvidia drivers with services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ] (another confusing name, a relic of time). You control which driver you use by setting hardware.nvidia.package to one of the values from config.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages. Programs from nixpkgs will just know where to find the drivers deployed by NixOS.

import nixpkgs

On to the examples and usages. When you use CUDA-accelerated applications from Nixpkgs today, you normally want to create an entire Nixpkgs instance, configured to build everything with CUDA support by default, and maybe limited to target just the CUDA “capabilities” (architectures, gencodes, …) you actually use (or the closest configuration the binary cache is available for). The reason for the former is consistency, and the reasons for the latter are the build times and closure sizes. “Consistency” refers to the following issue: with import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ torchWithCuda torchvision ]) is “incorrect” and might even crash at runtime, because torchvision was also built with and links to a version of torch, but to the cpu-only variant instead of torchWithCuda. To avoid this, you need the whole python3Packages scope to use the CUDA variant of torch. You could achieve that using overlays and pythonPackagesExtensions, but the easier and safer way is to just enable CUDA “globally”.

  • To get CUDA consistently enabled, you use import nixpkgs { config.cudaSupport = true; } (partial example, see below), where nixpkgs could refer to a flake input or a channel (e.g. <nixpkgs>). Snippets valid at the time of writing:
    • nix-shell --arg config '{ allowUnfree = true; cudaSupport = enable; } -p 'python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ torch torchaudio torchvision ])',
    • nix build -f '<nixpkgs>' --arg config '{ allowUnfree = true; cudaSupport = true; }' blender
  • You can limit the target CUDA capabilities to e.g. V100s and A100s by passing config.cudaCapabilities = [ "7.0" "8.0" ] to Nixpkgs:
    • nix-shell --arg config '{ allowUnfree = true; cudaSupport = true; cudaCapabilities = [ "8.6" ]; }' -p colmap

Similarly, you can use ROCm with the AMD (RDNA, CDNA, …?) GPUs: (import nixpkgs { config.rocmSupport = true; }).python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.torch ]). Just as with CUDA, ROCm support in Nixpkgs is under active development, the APIs (e.g. the config options, like config.rocmSupport) are subject to change, and you’ll definitely find rough edges that need fixing. If you open a PR or issue related to ROCm, there’s a github team to tag. All updates will be reflected in the manual and the changelog.


There isn’t anything special about CUDA/ROCm when it comes to the “Nix flakes” either. Instead of using your nixpkgs input’s legacyPackages, you instantiate it with a new config:

outputs = { nixpkgs, ... }:
    with import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; config.allowUnfree = true; config.cudaSupport = true; };
        devShells.x86_64-linux.default = mkShell {
            packages = [ blender colmap opensfm ];

There are obvious inconveniences generally applicable to the current experimental implementation of flakes: if you want to pass a cuda-accelerated nixpkgs as an input to another flake, you will have to make an extra flake mirroring nixpkgs with the different config; when you expose a flake output that depends on an allowUnfree=true nixpkgs, this allowUnfree is hidden from your users (including when your flake is a transitive dependency for another project), i.e. they’re forced into “accepting” the licenses implicitly; flakes do not provide anything in place of --arg or --apply.

self-contained and hands-free

Stating more of the obvious, same as you can nix run nixpkgs#vlc, you can nix run CUDA/ROCm-accelerated packages exposed e.g. in various community projects: nix run -L github:nixified-ai/flake#textgen-nvidia.

As on cluster, so locally and at the edge

:warning: Disclaimer: I haven’t (yet) used Nixpkgs-based images for multi-node training, and I don’t know who does. It might well be that Nixpkgs’ MPI and collective communications libraries still need some work to support these specific use-cases. They probably also come with a plethora of additional compatibility problems

This section brings even more uninteresting trivia, which isn’t in any way special to HPC or CUDA.

A common need when working on a complex program intended to be deployed in a complex environment, like in the cloud or on a cluster and maybe together with a number of services, is to quickly iterate on this program locally. Like for debugging purposes. Naturally we want the local test deployment to approximate the “production environment” as closely as can be, and we want the program to possibly use the same dependencies it would’ve used in the real world. This suggests an obvious solution both to local and production deployment: containers. Or at least that’s what somebody might think.

In “HPC” environments it is common to use the so-called “singularity containers”. The process might look as follows: one starts out with a docker image, e.g. FROM nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:23.11-py3 (14.8GB); they follow by a series of apt-get install or conda install commands; finally, one converts the result into a special squashfs image (say, 8GB). Programs from that image are run as if it were a normal container, only we’d use SETUID instead of user namespaces. This kind of a “container” can be instantiated both locally and on the cluster. All problems addressed? We even enjoy the additional benefit of not paying the cost of small files on distributed file systems because we’ve squeezed them into the squashfs. Moreover, when we mount host directories, we don’t even suffer from docker’s permissions and ownerships issues.

Of course we haven’t solved “all” problems. Not to mention we never actually needed containers, at least not until we’ve mentioned the distributed filesystem, and it’s ridiculous even to bring up the permissions. The sequential description in the Dockerfile has to be executed sequentially which e.g. limits the usefulness of caching the intermediate build results. Perhaps more importantly, this makes our deployment process less deterministic: the outputs and the success might and do depend on the order and grouping of operations, as well as many external conditions. Even the dependency solver part of Conda might produce different results, depending on the packages installed in the “environment” earlier. Not to mention pip’s new solver having to download sometimes tens of gigabytes of different variants of the same packages, before a compatible combination of dependencies is discovered. In short, quite a few issues remain and containers were never meant to address them.

This contrasts with Python and CUDA/ROCm in Nixpkgs: reiterating, they’re not too different from the normal Nixpkgs software. Composing Nix packages is more or less additive (less so for Python packages): it doesn’t matter in which order you list the dependencies, and it mostly doesn’t even matter what their transitive dependencies were. There’s usually enough isolation not to care about this sort of things, and the package sets are also organized in a way that optimizes “consistency”.

Similarly, it doesn’t matter if you’re composing your packages into an ephemeral nix-shell, or into a Docker image, or for use with Singularity (or many more things).

Say, for example, you’ve got a “package” for GitHub - NVlabs/edm: Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models (EDM), represented by a buildPythonPackage value in the Nix language, bound to the variable edm.

As on cluster, so locally and at the edge: (I) ephemeral shells

We can prepare a python interpreter aware of this module, pythonWith = python3.withPackages (_: [ edm ]), which we can “just use” regardless of the environment we’re in:

❯ nix shell github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#pkgsCuda.some-pkgs-py.edm.pythonWith --command python -m edm.example
Loading network from "https://nvlabs-fi-cdn.nvidia.com/edm/pretrained/edm-cifar10-32x32-cond-vp.pkl"...
Generating 64 images...
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 18/18 [00:04<00:00,  4.08step/s]
Saving image grid to "cifar10-32x32.png"...
Saving image grid to "imagenet-64x64.png"...

(View the recording at nix shell github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#pkgsCudaCluster.some-pkgs-py.edm.pythonWith --command python -m edm.example - asciinema.org)

As on cluster, so locally and at the edge: (II) singularity images for datacenters

Just as we can pass edm to withPackages, we could pass the withPackages-wrapped interpreter to singularity-tools.buildImage. Its output would represent an image that can be used on an HPC cluster:

❯ nix build -L github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#pkgsCudaCluster.some-pkgs-py.edm.image -o edm.img
❯ rsync -LP edm.img triton:
❯ ssh triton srun -p dgx --gres gpu:1 singularity exec --nv ./edm.img python -m edm.example

(View the recording at nom build -L github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#pkgsCudaCluster.some-pkgs-py.edm.image - asciinema.org)

As on cluster, so locally and at the edge: (III) NVidia Jetsons

Similarly, we can instantiate a new nixpkgs with its own edm targeting NVidia’s “Jetson” devices. This is actually a very new feature, ConnorBaker’s PR, #256324, introducing the initial Jetson support was merged the day after the stream. So was yannham’s cuda_compat support, #267247. At this point we still have to do some manual work, which is why we call it the “initial support”:

$ nix build -f '<nixpkgs>' --arg 'config' '{ allowUnfree = true; cudaCapabilities = [ "7.2" ]; }' cudaPackages.cuda_compat -o cuda-compat
$ nix shell \
  github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#pkgsXavier.some-pkgs-py.edm.pythonWith \
  github:SomeoneSerge/nix-gl-host/feat/jetson \
  --command nixglhost -d "$(readlink -f ./cuda_compat/compat)" -d /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/tegra \
  -- python -m edm.example

(View the recording at github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#legacyPackages.aarch64-linux.pkgsXavier.some-pkgs-py.edm.pythonWith - asciinema.org)

The edm value as a Nix language construct can be (somewhat) safely composed with more python modules passed on to withPackages. It can be composed with other packages into mkShell values, it can be used from scripts. This value contains enough information to recreate it with with different dependencies and different parameters (.override, .overridePythonAttrs). A Nixpkgs instance contains enough information to do these changes in a way that avoids the potential conflicts with other packages (“overlays”). The composability story doesn’t end here: we could just keep the data required for building the concrete edm, i.e. keep the .drv file(s), as if Nix the language didn’t exist. That would be still enough to nix build /nix/store/xxxxxx...-xxxx.drv'^*, and we still wouldn’t have to worry about the transitive dependencies or the side-effects. We could discard all of the build-related information and only keep the final outputs. These too can be used irrespective of their dependencies, irrespective of your current PATH, et cetera:

❯ nix path-info --derivation github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#pkgsCudaCluster.some-pkgs-py.edm.pythonWith
❯ nix build '/nix/store/ravbr0i7snhlacgvsvhnjcb0ydjj4dk7-python3-3.11.6-env.drv^*' --print-out-paths 
❯ # Now just use the produced binary as the self-sufficient conflict-free entry point it is:
❯ ./result/bin/python -m edm.example
Loading network from "https://nvlabs-fi-cdn.nvidia.com/edm/pretrained/edm-cifar10-32x32-cond-vp.pkl"...

This value, edm, the immutable thing addressed by a piece of syntax, that can be moved around, passed on to functions, re-evaluated with new arguments, that preserves all of the information about its dependencies, that can be built, that can be given a compressed unique name, is Nix’s “unit of distribution”. So is the .drv, and so is the the output path, each gradually removing more and more information about where the unit came from.

A distributed file-system for “package installations”

One vision (“EESSI”) for how to manage “software installations” in HPC environments is that there could be dedicated a distributed filesystem, shared between many different parties’ clusters and managed in a centralized manner, where each unique piece of software would be installed just once by an authorized entity, and each would come with its own host-independent libc, and the end-users would transparently fetch these installations. Every researcher would be able to specify “exactly” which software they used, and their results would be reproducible on other clusters. Only a few issues would remain, like managing the kernel modules, notably the nvidia drivers.

It’s not hard to see, that Nix(pkgs) has pretty much always been that. The /nix/store does behave like a network file system. It’s a weird one: its contents can be cached without any care for invalidation, and the output paths in this file system do not necessarily need to have been materialized anywhere in the world before the user asks for them. It’s a weird one, but it looks and quacks like a network file system described in the linked reference.

EDIT: In certain (many) ways EESSI might look similar to Packages.redbeardlab.com a public CernVM-FileSystem bootstrapped thanks to Nix, Distributing the Nix store with CVMFS+Nix? - #4 by siscia. The analogies and differences are reviewed in more detail in Questions on Nix as dev platform for HPCs - #2 by JosW


There isn’t anything particularly special about packaging CUDA/ROCm-accelerated applications using Nixpkgs. In case of CUDA, you pass cudaPackages.cuda_nvcc to nativeBuildInputs, and normal libraries to buildInputs: buildInputs = with cudaPackages; [ cuda_cudart cuda_cccl libcublas libcurand ... ] (it’s currently preferred individual outputs like .dev and .lib instead of the default out, but that’s just temporary). One currently has to manually account for config.cudaCapabilities, see the examples of handling cudaPackages.cudaFlags in the nixpkgs repo. This requirement probably won’t stay long either.

Some projects (tensorflow) might enforce that all the components of CUDA (ROCm) are to be in a single prefix (as opposed to e.g. cudart and cccl coming in multiple independent outputs). One way to handle those, although extremely undesirable, is to use symlinkJoin. This is a last resort solution because it makes cross-compilation much harder (no automatic splicing), and because that keeps more of the build closure at runtime (unless more hacks are applied). The preferred solution is to contact upstream.


RE: “What does CUDA team do (now)?”

“We just solve issues we encounter trying to use Nix for our purposes” is not an unfair assessment, but it’s uninformative. Most of the issues we encounter cannot be solved in any satisfactory manner by just rearranging something inside the Nixpkgs’ cudaPackages scope. On the contrary, the problems usually show at the interfaces with other ecosystems and other projects. As mentioned during the chat, we’ve got a public project board at CUDA Team · GitHub. It’s got a “roadmap” column that we update occasionally. Filtering out the noise, the big items on it have to do with “how do we finance”, “how do we link impure dependencies in general, and especially in the FHS environments”, “how do we address nvcc’s toolchain requirements and stay compatible with the rest of Nixpkgs”, etc. Nobody in the CUDA team is much of an expert in cross-compilation or in the Nixpkgs’ setup hooks system, but these are the subsystems we have to interact with. Coming from another direction, it has never been the Nixpkgs’ first priority to deal with unfree and impure dependencies. So a large part of what we do is we ask questions, and we ask if we may adjust the interfaces.

So here are just a few stones we keep stumbling on.


As mentioned above, we’ve just merged the aarch64-linux support for cudaPackages, the main target of which are the Jetson singleboard devices for edge computing: cudaPackages: support multiple platforms by ConnorBaker · Pull Request #256324 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub. This change has been in preparations literally for months and required a substantial rewrite of cudaPackages. Now that it’s been merged it’s a matter of adjusting the downstream packages that might still rely on older features that we can only support for x86_64-linux and only for so long. One such “feature” is the legacy runfile-based cudaPackages.cudatoolkit, which still used e.g. by python3Packages.tensorflow: CUDA-Team: migrate from `cudatoolkit` to `cudaPackages` · Issue #232501 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub


As mentioned above, we want to use the cuda_compat driver whenever legally available (unfortunately, that doesn’t include consumer-grade GPUs) because of the relaxed compatibility constraints and because we can probably link it in the applications directly. However, we don’t really know how to use it “correctly”, since it’s got impure dependencies and their compatibility constraints are undocumented. All we can do is test a number of options, and see for ourselves what works and what doesn’t:

Using GPUs during the nix-build

We’ve run our edm toy directly on a local machine, on the cluster using a singularity container, and on an embedded device. There’s one more target we left out from our presentation: the Nix sandbox itself. The idea is that we can conditionally expose the GPU devices in the sandbox when a derivation declares those are required. Moreover, we can inform the Nix that the derivation can’t be built just on any host but only one appropriately configured, by including a special marker in the derivation’s requiredSystemFeatures list. In our case we called the marker "cuda", and we configured the builder to declare it in its system-features (man nix.conf), and to mount the device files into the sandbox using this experimental PR: GPU access in the sandbox by SomeoneSerge · Pull Request #256230 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub. As noted in the comments inside the PR, there potentially are alternative approaches, as well as ways to expand on this work and do more cursed magic.

(View the recording at nix build github:SomeoneSerge/pkgs#pkgsCuda.some-pkgs-py.edm.gpuChecks.example - asciinema.org)

A real-time version, with all the mistakes and typos:

Dynamic linker’s search paths and their priorities

As mentioned above, sometimes we can’t link libraries directly. This is currently true for some of the libraries associated with OpenGL, this is true for libcuda. Some programs have valid reasons to use dlopen and to expect the user to provision the dependencies at runtime. E.g. these dependencies could be some kind of plug-ins. This is why it’s important that we have a way to communicate with the dynamic linker (e.g. ld-linux.so) and adjust its behaviour at runtime. This is, for example, what the variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD are: they override at runtime the behaviour we fix in Nixpkgs. Nixpkgs allows that, and it relies on that (otherwise we could run any Nixpkgs’ graphical applications on an Ubuntu), and in that sense they are part of Nixpkgs’ interface, and part of its contract. In fact, Nixpkgs even chooses which dynamic loader to ship with the program and which patches to apply.

It’s a known issue with Nixpkgs, that the user cannot just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib: this would not just help the dynamic linker find the missing dependencies, it’d also make it discard the other “correct” dependencies we had linked directly. Normally this would result in a runtime error, because of the compatibility constraints of some common libraries, notably the libc. This is part of the reason wrappers such as numtide/nix-gl-host exist.

This priority issue, however, doesn’t concern just CUDA and OpenGL. For example, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is sometimes abused by other systems, which makes Nixpkgs software fail “by default”. Cf. e.g. Nix Package Manager on Arch Linux: "`GLIBC_2.38' not found" Error · Issue #287764 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub, and, more generally, Any way for LD_LIBRARY_PATH to *not* break nix-env's absolute paths for dynamic libs · Issue #902 · NixOS/nix · GitHub.

Properly addressing all of these issues would likely require an upstream change in glibc, rather than just in Nixpkgs. For instance, our use-cases might benefit both from a lower-priority version of LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and from a higher priority version of DT_RUNPATH (e.g. the deprecated DT_RPATH):

These efforts naturally overlap e.g. with draft: per-dso .so resolution cache on glibc by pennae ¡ Pull Request #207893 ¡ NixOS/nixpkgs ¡ GitHub.

The UX of Nixpkgs’ CUDA in FHS distributions like Ubuntu depends on the resolution of these larger-scale questions involving multiple parties and external projects. Thus the problem for us is just to navigate, and to decide when do we care enough to push the matter on our side.

Licenses, policies, and exceptions

The cudaPackages are “unfree”. Specifically, their meta.licenses lists contain a record marked with unfree = true. Additionally, their meta.sourceProvenance is, almost always, set to binaryNativeCode. These meta data are there to signal that these packages provide fundamentally weaker guarantees about reliability, repeatability, reproducibility, and security, compared to the rest of Nixpkgs. This metadata tells Hydra and Ofborg not to cache and not build them. In a very implicit way, this metadata tells the Nix’s command line tooling to reject building and even evaluating these packages without the user’s express consent.

The real interface, at the time of writing, is largely implemented in Nixpkgs: the permissions (policies) are expressed as arguments to the nixpkgs instantiation, e.g. the allowUnfree in import nixpkgs { config.allowUnfree = true; }; the enforcement is implemented using exceptions; normally, the exceptions aren’t thrown from the package expressions, but are deferred using the meta attributes (meta.broken, meta.knownVulnerabilities, meta.licenses, etc); a package disallowed by the user’s policy cannot be evaluated. Concretely, we couldn’t compute cudaPackages.cuda_nvcc.outPath without accepting the license at the time of instantiating Nixpkgs, and we couldn’t even realize the corresponding .drv file:

❯ nix eval nixpkgs#cudaPackages.cuda_nvcc.outPath
       error: Package ‘cuda_nvcc-11.8.89’ in /nix/store/4fgs7yzsy2dqnjw8j42qlp9i1vgarzy0-source/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/manifest.nix:230 has an unfree license (‘CUDA EULA’), refusing to evaluate.
❯ nix path-info --derivation nixpkgs#cudaPackages.cuda_nvcc
       error: Package ‘cuda_nvcc-11.8.89’ in /nix/store/4fgs7yzsy2dqnjw8j42qlp9i1vgarzy0-source/pkgs/development/cuda-modules/generic-builders/manifest.nix:230 has an unfree license (‘CUDA EULA’), refusing to evaluate.

Since we couldn’t compute neither the drv name nor the output path, we couldn’t possibly build or substitute this dependency: we’re “safe” from accidentally running the potentially malicious program. Nonetheless, this interface or this mechanism is not without limitations.

The nixpkgs’ config parameter at the Nix language level maps into --arg in the Nix CLI tools, but only when Nixpkgs itself is the entrypoint. E.g. nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --arg 'config' { allowUnfree = true; }' -A ... is always valid, but the support for nix-build default.nix --arg 'config' '{ allowUnfree = true; }' -A ... in a user’s project would have to be implemented ad hoc: the user would have to write the logic to pass the config from their default.nix to Nixpkgs. This complicates enforcing policies such as: “no project on this host is allowed use unfree or insecure dependencies”.

The experimental Nix “Flakes” do not currently help with this issue. In a way, they make it more severe: now that it’s easier to propagate deeply nested transitive dependencies into one’s project, it’s harder to verify if these dependencies respect a policy, since each dependency could simply instantiate and configure its own copy of Nixpkgs. In fact, in the pure evaluation mode, that is the only way to use unfree dependencies with Flakes. This is further complicated by the fact that Flakes are relatively agnostic of the Nix language and of the Nixpkgs-level concepts: the Flake outputs, specifically packages and legacyPackages, correspond do the .drvs and to the store paths, rather than to “the thing that goes into the callPackage”, or “the thing with an override method, i.e. the thing returned by callPackage”. While abstractions may leak, and the interfaces may be blurry, one can see e.g. that Flakes do not yet support neither --arg nor --apply.

Preventing evaluation isn’t necessarily the behaviour we really want either. One could argue, albeit it’s a stretched example, that this isn’t sufficiently safe because the .drv files and output paths are oblivious of their licenses and vulnerabilities, and so if we had obtained a .drv by other means than evaluation, we could build it, and we could substitute it. Maybe more importantly, the interrupted evaluation means that we cannot assign a name to the package we’re prohibiting, at least not the way we name derivations and outputs. This sometimes results in very odd artifacts. For example, the Nix Bundlers project comes with a transformation called toReport, which takes a flake output, and produces a report about the licenses of its dependencies. The irony is that in order to generate a report about a project that depends on unfree dependencies, the user would first have to “accept” their unfree licenses:

❯ nix bundle --bundler github:NixOS/bundlers#toReport nixpkgs#cudaPackages.cuda_nvcc
       error: Package ‘cuda_nvcc-11.8.89’ in /nix/store/dwikaw0zm70m2jlv1ngjz2xf9j213jqm-source/pkgs/development/compilers/cudatoolkit/redist/build-cuda-redist-package.nix:167 has an unfree license (‘unfree’), refusing to evaluate.
❯ NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix bundle --bundler github:NixOS/bundlers#toReport --impure nixpkgs#cudaPackages.cuda_nvcc

In the same vein, if nixos-rebuild stumbles on an insecure package after updating a flake or a channel, the only way to inspect the dependency tree and find its reverse dependencies is to first relax the policy and allow insecure packages:

❯ nixos-rebuild switch --use-remote-sudo -L
       error: Package ‘electron-22.3.27’ in /nix/store/wr9zl1fj8ypwzlvybxjxzwb3ama4y9sw-nixpkgs-patched/pkgs/development/tools/electron/binary/generic.nix:35 is marked as insecure, refusing to evaluate
❯ # Let's find out who's using electron:
❯ nix-tree --derivation .#nixosConfigurations.$(hostname).config.system.build.toplevel
error: cached failure of attribute 'nixosConfigurations.cs-338.config.system.build.toplevel'
nix-tree: Received ExitFailure 1 when running
Raw command: nix path-info --json --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" .#nixosConfigurations.cs-338.config.system.build.toplevel
❯ NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 nix-tree --impure --derivation .#nixosConfigurations.$(hostname).config.system.build.toplevel
Scheduling, remote builders, and benchmarks

We build and cache packages with CUDA support. We know when they break, in terms of commit ranges. We keep the history of the builds. We could infer how a change in Nixpkgs may have affected the results, e.g. in terms of build times, or in terms of dependency graphs. We’ve mostly lost the information about how the closure sizes have been evolving because of the garbage collection, but it’s not hard to start collecting this data, and we could rerun the builds for the chosen historical nixpkgs revisions too. What we don’t know is how our changes have been affecting the “performance”. To infer this, we need to (design and) start running benchmarks.

Our CI currently is “Nix-based”, and likely will remain so. Specifically we use the Hercules CI, which allows us to describe the jobs declaratively as Nix language expressions, and with the help of the so-called “Module System” that many are familiar with through NixOS. The “jobs” primarily consists of normal derivations, and a job is “successful” when all its constituent derivations are successfully built. This is a pretty convenient (familiar) abstraction. The constraint that it comes with is that the builds have to run inside the Nix sandbox, and they also have to be scheduled by Nix.

We have already seen that the interfaces can be bent enough that we could, for example, access the GPUs from inside the sandbox. That is sufficient for the runtime checks, like verifying that torch.cuda.is_available() returns True with an appropriate build of torch and on an appropriately configured host.

Benchmarking would require an extra feature from Nix’s “distributed builds” system: if we modeled a benchmark as a derivation, we’d need a way to tell Nix to dedicate an entire builder for the derivation’s exclusive use. In @RaitoBezarius’ words, we’d need to implement “negative affinity” in Nix.

RE: “Profile-guided optimization”

Claims of the form “we can’t do X, because it’s impure” are often a lie and might not even serve their purpose. What might be implied is that “we could do X at the cost of sacrificing certain benefits, but it really is the wrong thing to do”. In the discussion with @fricklerhandwerk I was careless to claim that “we’d be reluctant to enable profile-guided optimization, because it’s bad for determinism” and I regret saying that. First, because it wasn’t for me to say that. Secondly, because modeling builds that rely on profile-guided optimization is a perfectly valid task for the derivation model.

Nix and Nixpkgs do allow various impurities. For one thing, every derivation’s build in Nixpkgs currently does depend on the builder’s process scheduling, and on its load at the time of the build. This is the reason why we take the care to ensure profile-guided optimization is disabled in the first place. In the larger scheme of things, we could even think of Nix and Nixpkgs as of impurity management machines. It’s not that Nix magically makes everything pure and reproducible, but that it provides a tool to systemically declare “everything that we imagine matters for executing the recipe” in a .drv, and, at build time, to isolate from everything we hadn’t declared if only possible. Isolating from the scheduler, for example, is likely expensive and hasn’t been implemented yet.

From this perspective, there isn’t a fundamental reason we couldn’t support the users’ efforts to enable profile-guided optimization (etc) in their own CIs and binary caches. If we knew we were going to run a program on e.g. a bunch of Intel Xeons, and we wanted to optimize our software for the target machines, we could include all of this information in the .drv, including special markers in the requiredSystemFeatures, that would tell Nix that this special derivation is only to be built on a host with a Xeon CPU (just as we asked for "cuda"), and only with the exclusive access (just as with benchmarks). Whether these particular constraints are sufficient to secure a reasonable level of repeatibility is really a decision for the user to make. Nix is only a modeling tool.

Here I stop before I generate more non-sense. If by accident any of the above scribbles had traces of a meaning, I should owe this to the conversations with smart and talented people from the OceanSprint and NixCon, and from the NixOS matrix channels: @RaitoBezarius, @tomberek, @flokli, Valentin, edef, @DavHau, @zimbatm, @hexa, @samuela, @ConnorBaker, @matthewcroughan, @kmittman, Kiskae, (got to cut the list somewhere). We obviously rely a lot on Nixpkgs’ python team. I am particularly impressed that certain people (samuela, zeuner, GaetanLepage to name just a few) keep unbreaking and updating jaxlib and tensorflow, in spite of all of the Bazel woes. As far I can tell I the reason I can use torch with ROCm is that @Madouura and @Flakebi went out of their way to bootstrap the support. Thanks all. Cheers