On unstable ollama error builing

on unstable ollama fails to build when it once did. Haven’t been using it long at all but wondering if anyone has seen this and knows of PR or some other discussion I could look at for guidance?
Here’s the error I see:

> /nix/store/blahblah-rocm-llvm-clang-unwrapped-6.0.2/bin/clang-offload-bundler-unwrapped: error: unable to find 'llvm-objcopy' in path
> clang++: error: amdgcn-link command failed with exit code 1

I haven’t tried simply adding llvm-utils or whatnot but don’t know why I’d suddenly have to? This is all very new to me :man_shrugging: - I was finally having fun locally with LLMs :slight_smile:

Opening a build failure issue with reproducer steps is probably your best bet.

just had to wait a few days and nix flake update caught whatever changed maybe. Thanks for the link and tip regardless.