is it possible to change the location of program icons in the bar? or remove them? here are my configs(sway):
bars = [
position = "top";
statusCommand = "${lib.getExe pkgs.i3status-rust} ~/.config/i3status-rust/config-top.toml";
position = "bottom";
statusCommand = "${lib.getExe pkgs.i3status-rust} ~/.config/i3status-rust/config-bottom.toml";
i3status-rust = {
enable = true;
bars = {
top = {
icons = "awesome5";
theme = "native";
blocks = [
block = "cpu";
interval = 1;
block = "memory";
interval = 1;
block = "battery";
missing_format = "";
block = "disk_space";
path = "/";
info_type = "available";
interval = 1;
warning = 20.0;
alert = 10.0;
bottom = {
icons = "awesome5";
theme = "native";
blocks = [
block = "sound";
format = " $output_description $icon {$volume.eng(w:2) |}";
click = [
button = "left";
cmd = "pavucontrol";
block = "net";
interval = 1;
block = "time";
format = "$icon $timestamp.datetime(f:'%F %a %R:%S')";
interval = 1;
block = "keyboard_layout";
driver = "sway";
mappings = {
"English (US)" = "EN";
"Russian (N/A)" = "RU";